are all of them actually shy???

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    my friend has guinea pigs and all of hers are really shy u cant touch them they run into they’re little house. becoz i want guinea pigs but i dont want shy ones. plz tell me are yours shy????
    thanks linzi



    I got two pregnant adults from a pet shop, both were extreamly nervous when I got them home but after a while they started become tamer, niether were overly friendly but would come for food and liked their noses been tickled, their babies (I kept them all) were always much friendlier. One of the males used to follow me around the house, and would squeal if I went somewhere he couldnt follow, and would climb on my knee when I sat on the floor. Basicly it depends on the indiviual and its experiences with people. They will bond with you and become friendly if you give them enough attention. Hope this has helped you



    i dont think my friend is looking after hers properly because she told me that about a year ago she got 1 on its own (cookie) and its really friendly and she found out that they live longer in pairs so she got 2 more and shes always getting cookie out and the other always run away from me im really worried about them becoz they never get any excercise outside of they’re cage and they’ve got a tiny cage!



    It totally depends on the KIND of attention guinea pigs receive. Ever notice that in pet stores, you can’t even CATCH one to pet it? That’s because (many times)they are picked up, squeezed, dropped all day.

    I have had 5 guinea pigs-all died of OLD AGE. All were very affectionate and sociable. There are different kinds-some DO require some grooming (long hair/angoras).

    I would strongly advise you to research the web an/or purchase a book about guinea pigs before purchasing one. They are small, fragile animals that need special care and particular environments. It’s always best to be knowledgeable about any pet you are considering bringing home.

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