
Home Community Small Pets chinchilla????

This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  anna 16 years, 5 months ago.

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    are chinchilla suitible for kids 12 years old??? and can u put them in a playpen thing everyday instead of letting it run round the house like the mad-head?????



    Im going to assume that you are the 12 year old in question hear. I feel that it is not the age of the individual but how responsible they are when thinking about anyone wanting a pet. Just because someone is 18 doesnt mean there going to give the pet a better life than someone of 12. If you can be trusted to look after an animal properly and your parents are willing to help (eg when you are on school trips/ill/at a friends aswell as helping with costs) then I dont see a reason that you couldnt have a pet. Before taking the responsibility of a pet make sure you are ready to look after it, such as a large pen for your chinchilla if you cant let him run around the house, rather than finding problems down the line. One thing I would ask you to do is consider its life expetancy and think about what will happen to the chinchilla if you move out or go to college or university? Hope this helps



    thanks or the help an yes im 12 but im still notsure if i want a chinchilla or gerbils wich 1s do u think mke better pet for 12 year olds



    i would say gerbils as chinchillas require alot more care and space than gerbils



    Rats, all the way!
    Chinchillas make wonderful pets, but they can live 20 + years (where will you be in 10 years from now?), so for someone who has not settled down with their life yet (like a 12 year old), I’d recommend a pet that does not live as long.
    Also, chinchillas require EXTREMELY specialized care, including special temperature requirements, bedding exercise needs, food, dust baths, and everything in between.
    It is SO easy to do something wrong and kill a chinchilla or permanently affect its health. You have to be so careful and do so much research . . . its an exotic pet, so its needs are entirely different.
    I agree that it is the person and not the age that determines a good pet, but I think most adults are not even stable enough in their lives to own chins! They’re tricky, difficult pets for anyone!
    Have you considered pet rats?
    I know you get bad images of them in horror movies in the sewers and such, but go to your pet store and ask to hold them . . . they are so cute!!!!
    Rats make the BEST pets ever! They live til about 3 years old, they are super-friendly and affectionate, quiet, small so they don’t take up much space and basically easy to care for, and they are just as sweet and wonderful as chins!

    Click on any picture to see full size:

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