dwarf hamster has started biting

Home Community Small Pets dwarf hamster has started biting

This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  IwannaHollandlop 20 years, 2 months ago.

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    🙁 My female dwarf hamster has started biting my male and my fingers and hands hard enough to draw blood, it all started 3 days ago so we had to put the hamsters in different cages to keep her from biting the male


    :'( :-[ :(When I put boh my hamsters together they killend eachother :'(



    Hi, Most likely why you female was fighting your male is because she is already bred. Most females once they are bred and have no use for the male and will tend to fight and/or kill them. Best thing to do is to keep them seperated. Also keep an eye on her as she may have babies.


    it’s a good idea to keep them seperated from now on. and if you when you handle your female and she bites just put gloves on that way she wont break the skin when she bites you.

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