Blacks dots on rectum and in mouth

Home Community Cats Health Blacks dots on rectum and in mouth

This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Aquila 20 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hi Wads! Even though I do not know what the problem is with your cat. ?I would like to suggest to you, to call your veterinarian 1st thing monday morning & make an appt to take the cat in. ?Or if there is a 24 hour veterinary hospital near you, call them tonight or tomorrow morn, & ask them if you can bring your cat in asap; & that you are worried about his condition. The 24 hour vet hospital from my house, is a 30 minute drive, but well worth it. Now, if that condition were on your son or yourself, wouldn’t you go directly to the doctor or hospital asap? ?Since you & your son are the human caretakers of the cat, please treat him/her the same way. ? I would much rather be safe with the veterinarians opinion, medication, etc. ??If doesn’t hurt to ask, & you will be helping your cat not be in misery. ? People on the forum might or might not know, what the condition is with your cat. ?But I myself, would take the cat to the vet, as soon as possible. ? I don’t know if I was much help for you, but maybe I was in some way. Please keep us informed about what the veterinarians tell you. Thank you.



    3 year old neuter male cat has black dots on both rectum and in his mouth. Hair loss is complete on his belly and he is covered in scabs from scratching himself. Patches are gone from tip of tail down. Any ideas ? 11 year old boy’s pet. Thanks



    Thanks for the advice, however given that my husband has been unemployed for over a year and we rely solely on my income (2 adults, 5 kids, 2 guinea pigs, 6 fish, 2 dogs, and 2 cats) this doesn’t leave much for vet care. Our animal’s vet charges a minimum of $35.00 when you walk into the door, not to even mention the cost of tests if needed or meds. I was not expecting anyone to diagnosis just suggestions as to whether this was something to test for or to have him be put down humanely. :'(



    Hi Wads, I would still try calling around to various veterinarians, & ask which would take payments towards the visit, tests, etc. I would also still call a veterinary hospital, & ask them the same questions. I have a friend who raised a couple kids & numerous pets on just SSI & food stamps; & she always found a vet who allowed her to make payments.In my county & a couple surrounding counties, I have heard from friends that there are veterinarian’s which will allow payments to be made. Also, another item I just thought about. A PetsMart pet supply store, has monthly veterinarian visits, people take their pet to the PetsMart location. You would need to contact the PetsMart closest to you & find out if they have that as well. But even with this option, I would still contact various veterinarian’s to see which would allow you to make payments. I feel it would be hard for anyone to figure out what is the problem with your cat, without actually seeing your cat. Even then, we can only make guesses, a veterinarian would still need to see your cat. If you cannot locate a veterinarian which would allow you to make payments. Then perhaps, you should ask either your veterinarian or perhaps, the animal hospital if they could help you find a good home for your cat, or if they have a bulletin board which you can put a small ad for a good home for your cat, rather than having the cat ‘put to sleep’. But these are just my opinions.

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