Pebble pincher!!!!

Home Community Dog Behavior Pebble pincher!!!!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  ramin 17 years ago.

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    Has anyone got any suggestions? My 7 month old lab has got lots of chewable toys and a kong, but he still insists on digging up the garden looking for stones to chew on. Even when we are out walking he can’t walk past a pebble with out grabbing it. Does anyone know why he does this? He can’t be bored as i walk him 3 or 4 times a day. Also could it be a teething thing? When do they get all of the adult teeth? thanks all



    Well, the molars are last to come in, at about 6 or 7 months. But dogs chew throughout their lives, but not as bad as they did when they were teething – from 3 to 6 months. Your Lab might be obsessed with rocks, I’ve seen a Dog Whisperer episode with a Pit Bull mix(named Pumpkin) that was obsessed with rocks, but I forget how he fixed it, sorry..



    my 5 month bull terrier pup loves to put rocks in her mouth too. she also likes to dig up garden also. i usually try to keep an eye on her and catch her in the act to scare her. my pup is deaf so its easier to creep on her to scare her. anyways you can scare your pup with your vocals or some sort of noise maker. try a can of penny’s or a commanding NO! try and catch your pup in the act to scare em. dogs seem to hate to get scared or shocked.

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