Black male Betta

Home Community Pet Adoption Black male Betta

This topic contains 6 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Katelyn 17 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi, I have been looking for a black male betta. Please e-mail me if you know of any for sale/adoption. I do not breed them, just want one as a good pet. Thanks



    Is there such a thing as a black betta? I’ve never seen one before.



    just in case you plan to keep your betta in a vase or something, I’ll give you a little info.
    tank size: 2.5 gal+++

    cleaning:gravel vacume once a week or just stir it up and let the filter pick it up. do 25% weelk water changes.

    feeding: betta bio-gold pellets, frozen or freeze-dried bloodworms and brine shrimp.

    tankmates: 2-5 gals, shrimp and snails.
    10 gals, a small school of tetras, shrimp, snails or a divided betta tank.

    treating diseases:
    ICH: small white spots form all over the body or on the fins, this is a parasite that can easily be treated with a med like "ICK away" or simular.
    finrot: the fins literally begin to rot, aqurium salt or mela/pimafix.
    fungus: the fish has fuzzy white area’s on its body or fins, treat with "ICK AWAY" or another fungus killer.

    housing: real or silk plants are good, bettas love to play in them. caves or other hiding/sleeping places, make sure there isn’t anything sharp in the tank, bettas are like little kids, they explore everything 😉
    always give your bettas a heater and/or filter, if you dont have a filter do daily small water changes.

    lifespan: if taken care of properly, 5+ years, bettas in the wild live 8+ years. but because of how they are treated in stores and in homes(vases, bowls ECT.) they have short lives.
    my oldest betta was 8(from a good line of bettas from thailand).

    GOOD LUCK!! has beautiful bettas.



    "Is there such a thing as a black betta? I’ve never seen one before."

    yes, bettas come in every color, you just dont see them in pet stores because those bettas are the ones breeders didn’t want.
    the only betta you will see in a pet store will probably be a veil tail, here are the differnt types of bettas:

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    Ummm I don’t know if there are black male bettas, but if you the pet store they will have bettas in many colors!

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