Any ideas?

Home Community Dogs Health Any ideas?

This topic contains 8 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Nicky 17 years, 2 months ago.

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    2 Years ago i lost my beloved yellow labrador and i still don’t know what was wrong with her. Thought someone here might have some ideas. It started with sickness and not eating. I took her to the vets and she had blood tests galore and x rays, but still they could not find anything wrong with her. I was allowed to bring her home to see if she would brighten up in her own environment. But she went down hill drastically. Went back to the vets and she had more blood tests but still they could not find anything. I just find it hard to believe that a lively 6 year old lab could just fall ill like that with no explanation. Unfortunately she was suffering so i had to have her put to sleep which broke my heart. 2 years on I now have a 6 month old black lab, but my first one is everywhere on the wall!!

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    it almost sound like she had a tumor of some kind..but things like that should have shown up on bloodwork..unless your vet made a mistake. I hoipe you are not still going to the same vet? If they couldn’t give you and answer I’d start looking elsewhere



    Too right i’ve changed vet! It was the dearest vet round here, so now i travel to another vet. and plus i couldn’t go back to where i had her put to sleep. fingers crossed my vet seems to be on the ball so far.



    Hopefully your new vet will continue to treat you and your pet with respect and answer your questions truthfully….let me know how it goes. I’m glad you did change vets..I see a lot of people on here that I think the vets aren’t up to snuff and the animals suffer



    Hello. Yes, for the most part, I am a cat guy, rather obviously, but I do have a favorite breed of dog, Golden Retriever. I’ve had nothing but good experiences and wonderful stories about that breed, including one time where one of them literally saved my life. Reading this post brought tears to these eyes, and I feel bad for your loss. Yes, getting a new vet is the key here. The old one sounds pretty incompetant if they couldn’t find anything wrong with her. When it comes to vets, shopping around is essential. Back where we used to live, we had a number of vet clinics. We went into one, and were immediately repulsed by the incredible smell and by the fact that none of the staff seemed to care. That vet is now out of business. The one we have now specializes in cats and has found humane ways to do everything from neutering to declawing (laser, takes less time to heal and no chance for infection). They know cats. I feel for your loss. They are truly gold.



    Thanks bearpapa but the strange thing is the vet was highly recommended and is in the posh part of town if you get my meaning. Just that we spent ?3000 on trying to save her and couldn’t get any answers as to why she suddenly went down hill and that i had to make the hardest decision of having her put to sleep. Also i want people to know that she was put to sleep because she was suffering not because of the expense. so many people do that because they can’t afford vet bills



    What a pretty face she had! Dr. Jane Bicks is a wholistic vet and an expert on nutrition. I found a site that gives a number and passcode to a conference call she has every Thursday night. You can also email her and ask questions. I am very impressed with her nutritional philosophy and knowledge of disease and their causes.
    I hope she helps.



    Oops! The site is



    thanks auntsuse i’ll give it a try.

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