Is this normal?

Home Community Dog Behavior Is this normal?

This topic contains 10 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Amy 17 years, 2 months ago.

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    Can anyone tell me if it is normal for my 6 month old lab to be eating his own faeces.



    Hi, while it’s completely gross, it’s also completely normal. Many dogs do this and it’s a behavioral condition called coprophagy/cecotrophy. There is a product on the market that is an additive to their food that makes the feces taste bad (as if it doesn’t already so I guess we should say worse) thus deterring the dog from eating it. It can be bought over the counter at many veterinary clinics. Another alternative that was taught to me by a DVM I worked for was to sprinkle a small amount of Abbott’s Meat Tenderizer on the dog’s food. The tenderizer does not harm any systems but as it passes through the digestive track it turns to a foul tasting sulfate, again deterring the dog from eating it’s own feces.
    Hope this helped!



    i know that one…my dog does that too sometimes..not pretty.



    hi my pregnant bitch ate her own poop yesterday and the decided to throw it up all over my kitchen floor i to wondered if this was normal i guess it is how gross yuck



    yes it very normal and i dont know why they do it but they do my 8 month puppy lucy will eat hers if she got a chance but i have seen her eat hers i pick it up as soon as she does one now so she cant any more which i am pleased about



    boy am I glad I’m Human! thanks everyone



    your wecome i’m glad to that am human lol.



    I highly recommend the meat tenderizer. Speaking from experience (dogs not personal!) it does work. There are fascinating theories for this ranging from the high protein content in the stool, espeically kitty feces to hiding markings from other predators or even eating other dogs feces in order to keep it from being in thier territory, to something lacking in thier diet and just plain old because it taste good. Either way give the tenderizer a try, just a couple of shakes in or on the food, dry or wet. Just don’t do like some friends of mine who went round sprinkling it in the yard on the stool instead of the food. Called me because they could not understand why it was not working for them!



    Dogs do it because of undigested food in the feces. Sometimes it is do to dietary issues, check with the vet about food change. Also too many treats. The meat tenderizer is a good one. Good luck.



    Meat tenderizer huh? I’ve never heard that one. What type? (Sorry if that’s a stupid question.) We’ve had a few strays come to us who have done this, as well as eat our other dogs feces. Ewwww… Anyway, I’m now curious to know how this helps too?



    From what I understood from the DVM that told me this was it HAD to be Abbotts brand. There’s something about it’s make up that turns it to sulfates after it passes through the digestive track.

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