i have a lahso apso and do people shave their hair

Home Community Dog Breeding & Breeds i have a lahso apso and do people shave their hair

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    i have a lahso apso and we shave his hair about every 6 weeks. do other lahso apso owners shave their dogs hair? I THINK IT IS CRUEL IF YOU DONT, NO OFFENSE.

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    i think that also we clip his nails when we grrm him. do you think that it would hurt him if he got his nails clipped? he is sensitive.



    I have a bichon frise. I cut her hair myself. LhasApsos also have to have their hair cut frequently or it can get real long. My bichon has curly hair so I have to brush frequently or it gets matted, if I let it go too long you have to cut the mats out, she also looks like a sheep dog if I don’t cut it. You also need to keep clipping their nails when they get long so they don’t tear them on the carpet and so they can walk normally. If they were outside all the time the nails would normally wear down themselves. In between haircuts I trim the hair around her eyes so she can see, and under her tail so poo doesn’t stick to her fur (sorry).



    No you should definately not shave your dog. Or did you mean "clip"? There is a big difference. Hair protects dogs from heat as well as cold & should never be shaved. Clipping is necessary to keep them neat & clean.



    heres a picture of what my dog loooks like now. we are taking him to the grommers on friday buthe would still have hair to keep him warm. it wouldnt be that short since its only winter

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    If he will be shorter than that, then I would say you are having him shaved. No you should not be doing that. What is your point? Why do you think it is cruel NOT to shave dogs? I’m actually surprised you found a groomer that will do that. You live in an area that is very cold right now so I would hope you are using a heavy coat on him when you take him out.



    His coat looks like it’s already a nice length. Maybe needs trimming around the eyes and feet though, his feet look like the fur is pretty long. They could still take off another 1 1/2 inches and he’ll look good. Suebgone is exagerating a bit.



    Has he had his hair cut before? I liked him best in the first pic with more fur on the ears, that was probably a baby pic though.



    actually I was saying the same thing you did. He looks fine in the pic, except for a little trim. She said this is how he looks before getting groomed. So if they are taking him down more than that, I would consider that shaving.



    weve had his hair trimmed were just trimming it a little bit cus its getting pretty long but in the summer we shave him. not all his hair, but so he dosent get hot

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    Actually like suebgone said the first time, shaving in summer is bad because the hair acts as insulator so they don’t burn their skin. Your dogs length in the first pic is perfect for summer, no shorter. The second pic just looks like it needs a little trimming. Most people go every 6 weeks or so. I do mine myself so at her shortest the hair is about 1 1/2 inches and longest about 4 inches. Summer I try to keep it around the 1 1/2, and winter let it stay around 3to 4 inches.



    Prop opion here…usually when we hear the term "shave" that usually means that I am using a 1/16" (#10) blade or a 1/8" (#7) blade to remone a dogs hair…now while this seems very short it truly does depend on the density of the dog’s coat. I would NEVER use a #10 blade on an animal with a fine coat as there would be nothing left to protect the skin, unless it was an extreme case of matting. And there are come owner who see "shaving" as any time a groomer uses a metal blade attached to a clipper. While others call the same thing clipping. There is no right or wrong length for you pet, however tkae into consideration how often you thoughly brush you dog, how cold it is and what color he is. A litle colored dog will get sun or snow burn. while a darker colored animal may not. The only time I think it is cruel not to clip (shave) a dog is when owner do NOT take care of the coat and allow it to become matted. I have seen dogs so matted that they cannot walk b/c the front leg was matted to it’s chest or their ear was matted to it’s head. That is cruelty.



    Sue it’s wonderfull that you take such good care of you dogs coat. I wish more people would let me do a haircut like your has. unfortunately…not every is that great about brushing.



    Hi there, I have a pekingese and I love the long coat, it keeps him warm in winter and protects him from the sun in summer. He has been clipped at the moment, as he has to have a tooth out because of an absess and i thought he may be more comfortable, but in the future, i will just be getting the ends trimmed. Providing you brush the coat everyday and dont get it too matted or dirty, i think keeping it long is best!



    Yes, and they look so adorable when shaved. I have always shaved Coco. He is adorable.

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