Is my Lab pregnant ???

Home Community Dog Breeding & Breeds Is my Lab pregnant ???

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  lovemylabs 20 years ago.

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    Hi everyone. My year old yellow lab/golden retreiver Pearl might be pregnant but I’m really not sure. ??? She went into her 2[sup]nd[/sup] heat but it stopped [i]very[/i] early and she started to put on weight in her upper abdomen. Shes extremely small to begin with so to strangers who don’t know her she looks like a normal lab, but to everyone who does know her, shes barreling out alot :-/ Her rear nipples have dropped this week, but theres no milk as of yet. I haven’t seen any signs of nesting yet, and its normal for her to carry her toys in her mouth. Shes a very loving dog, especially with Noah, our 2 mth old holland lop bunny, and cookie, our baby hamster. Is there anything imparticular that I should or could be looking for, any tell tale signs? Thanks for your help everyone, I appreciate any advice you can offer. Take care! [color=Red]Nicolle[/color] 🙂



    I can only write in reference to what I am going through with my chocolate lab right now. She is definitely pregnant and has gotten very huge in the belly and her nipples have gotten very swollen. She hasn’t gone through any nesting yet either. She has started eating quite frequently and needs to relieve herself more often too. The best thing I can offer to you is to do what I did and just keep watching for more signs. If you feel it’s necessary you can take her to a vet and they can tell you for sure. Hope this helps you a little.. Shelly



    She could be or she could have developed an infection or she could have a false pregancy. The only way to tell for certain is a vet check. If she is not pregant, please spay her. Healthier all around for her in the long run.

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