
This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  pam 17 years, 3 months ago.

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    ok so how many of you give catnip to your cats?I gather weeds in the summer and fall for herbial meds.catnip is one of them.I gather it all up,tie it in bundles and let it dry for 2 months on the back porch,when dry I remove the leaves and put them away for winter ,I just sprinkle some on the floor and its gone in sceconds .I use to make catnip mice for them.But the dog always got them.Chewed them up.Not sure if some one else has another idea,but this what I do ,I use it myself in teas.I’m a gather of dry weeds for meds for myself and others ,so I’m always out there gathering.As I’m sure I told you before I’, native american so I know about weeds.Well just wanted to know from any of you .if your cats are into catnip.I heard or read on a web site that store boughten catnip had bad stuff in that was harmful to cats.Any comments



    I roll my cat’s favorite toys in catnip and brush them off, and it makes him completely crazy for days for the toys.



    only a couple of my cats even respond to catnip, i don’t think that’s unusual though is it? only one i have will actually eat it. he’s almost 17 years old now, so i don’t think it ever hurt him. i live in a rural area and my cats love wheat, hay, straw, certain grasses (the same grass dog’s love to eat (and then throw up!) if anyone knows what that’s called?), etc. still, catnip is a riot if your cat likes it. mine don’t need it though, they have enough fun terrorizing me and eachother…..

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