
Home Community Horses & Riding Barbaro

This topic contains 122 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  rachael 16 years, 2 months ago.

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    They killed Barbaro today. Those who euthanize (their euphemism for murder) should get the death penalty. An animal’s first right is the right to life; yet, animals have no rights under the law. They murdered Barbaro. Precious Barbaro. A helpless victim in cruel heartless hands.



    "said that Barbaro’s front feet were beginning to become affected by the limited ability of both his laminitic left hind foot and his fused right limb that was shattered in the Preakness Stakes to bear weight."

    If someone is suffering is it wrong to end it?



    Anything they don’t do to people, you know is wrong to do it to animals



    Sorry but who is Barbaro? This is the first that I heard about it.



    Barbaro was a horse that either won the Preakness or was the favorite to… I forget. Either way, the horse shattered its leg during the race and they spent thousands of dollars trying to rehabilitate the horse only to have to put it down because it was suffering. (its my understanding that if a horse breaks its leg its something very close to a death sentence) Also, there are mercy killings by doctors nowadays for people at the person’s own election for terminal patients… I don’t consider euthanasia cruel. I actually wish it was more readily available for people that desire it.



    Thank you for the info!



    I was sad to hear it too,what more could they have done to make him well?



    His life would have been prolonged if they had not killed him. He fought so hard to live. Animals love their lives. They adapt miraculously to handicaps. People call it survival instinct, but it is love of life. Euthanasia of animals is the worst crime against animals, because it is done in the name of "animal rights." If you euthanize an animal you are destroying its most basic right, the right to life.



    The horse had sores in all four feet and was barely able to stand. So under your theories, a stray dog hit by a car with a broken spine should not be euthenized, we should just allow the nightmarishly crippled animal to suffer to death?



    I feel that if my quality of life were so terrible that all I could do is lay in pain and suffer, I think it would be somewhat of a relief to go to sleep and not wake up. Unfortunately, animals don’t have a voice and can’t relay to us what their final wishes are, we just have to hope that we are doing the right thing for them by letting them go. When the time comes that they aren’t living and only suffering, what is the right thing to do for the animal? So many opinions, not enough answers.



    They will pass on when it is their time. Their will to live will survive till the very end. People who know animals will understand their intense will to survive! They could be provided with drugs to relieve pain, and special accommodations and care to keep them comfortable. The animal will adapt to its handicap. But– a lot of people unfortunately don’t want to spend the money or the effort to keep them alive. And doctors surely don’t know everything. And surely, miracles occur and an animal will survive against the odds assigned to them by the medical profession. Happens every day.



    True, there are drugs to numb the pain; but even in humans not all pain is relievable without full sedation — in my books, not an honorable end for an animal or a human.

    Barbaro’s other legs were beginning to give out because he could not put any weight on his injured one. An animal can not ask us for the right to die — we also have no idea how much pain the animal is in since they can not verbally communicate — sure we can guess, but that is not necessarily accurate.

    I am not saying that Barbaro’s owners were not looking at their situation from an economical point of view — I am just saying that in general, once we domesticated these animals, we took on all the responsabilites that came with it. But I do not think that forcing life upon an animal that is in considerable pain and has not hope of getting better is the answer. Realize that in the wild, Barbaro would have died soon after his injury — who we (humans) to force him to carry on?



    Evidently the person who wrote that "they killed Barbaro today" knows little about horses and their dynamics of broken legs, ankles, hooves, etc. The vets where he was being treated used the most up to date methods (and probably old tried and true methods) to try and save Barbaro. Remember, when it first happened the talk was that with an injury as severe as his most horses would be put down immediately. Yes, he was a magnificent horse and might have been the best racehorse of all time but – he had an unsurmountable injury and his body finally could not heal anymore. If a horse can’t stand – they will die. I believe that millions of dollars were spent trying to save this horse. But when a horse has had enough there is a mental change and it gives up the will to live and there is not a lot more that can be done. And from what the vets and his owners were saying, he lost his will to live. He had had enough of the pain and complicating factors that kept cropping up and he fought a good fight but his body gave out and kept breaking down on him. The psychological component of an injury is just as important if not more important than the injury itself. And just in case you did not know – laminitis is an extremely painful and disabling injury for a horse. It would have been a fairy tale ending if he could have made it, but it just didn’t happen and it would have been cruel to keep him alive.



    Well said!….We have horses too and it was heartbreaking about Barbaro, but there comes a time when there is nothing left to do and he was in so much pain…Euthanasia was the most humane thing to do to end his suffering…Yes animals have the right to life but they also have the right to die with dignity…..



    I agree with the last two entries. Well said. I also don’t feel he was in "cruel, heartless hands". You could see that the people who cared for him were in obvious turmoil as they announced his death on television. I feel that they did every possible thing they could for the horse and that euthanization was a last resort.

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