rat allergies

Home Community Small Pets rat allergies

This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Jennifer 17 years, 4 months ago.

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    so i got 2 little girls(rats) and i found out i’m allergic to them. but i love them and dont want to have to give them away. they r half hairless.is there any advice on how i can make this work without like dieing or feelin like i am dieing. please help



    i don’t think there is away to do that.maytbe if your just allergic to the fur you could go to the store and ask if theres away to make them all hairless



    its their urine i am allergic to



    The only thing I can really think of is either keep their cage in a room that you don’t spend most of your time in (but don’t forget about them!) or clean their cage everyday to keep the amonia from becoming airborne.

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