Re: Dobermann Ear Cropping

Home Community Dogs Health Re: Dobermann Ear Cropping

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Karen 20 years, 6 months ago.

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    (ps – my reply is the procedure the breeder I used to train with in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s used on her puppy ears – tampon trick…)



    You are going to need to brace the ears yourself. Cropping is NOT taught in vet school and personally, I would not crop as it is purely cosmetic these days and I have seen too many botched crop jobs (wrong crop for the breed, healing complications, improper bracing, etc) and the dog ending up with a totally ruined outline. I prefer natural ears to cropped ears that do not have a proper crop or set. Time is of the essence here. Do not blame the vet – he may not know how to properly crop and brace the ears. Again, not taught in vet school. If you do not know how to properly brace Dobe ears, I strongly suggest you contact the breeder you got your pups from IMMEDIATELY and as for assistance. The longer the ears go unbraced, the greater the chance they will never stand upright. There are many ways to brace (post) doberman ears: cones, taping, frames, one breeder I knew even used tampons taped into the ear to help shape and keep the ears upright. Here is an excellent resource page on this. Again, get on this right away or you may have real issues as the ear leather begins to set.



    Sorry, that was my typical "cropping lecture" as so many people have no idea that cropping is not taught is schools, vets have to learn it on the job or they are not proficient in post surgical care and end up with serious issues. I am just against cropping unless there is a utilitarian needs as with hog hunting where a torn ears can be deadly in the field (I know hog hunters). I also use posts as ways to educate others who may have similar questions and read these posts seeing if they can get answers. I meant no attack – but it was unclear also your experience with posting ears which means I have to assume the worst in order to try and help (rather get chewed out because the person was experienced and got treated as a novice than assume the person in experienced and not give enough information then end up with someone in trouble). Good luck and I hope her ears turn out OK…

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