cute/funny stuff your cat does

Home Community Cat Behavior cute/funny stuff your cat does

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    My kitten Vegas likes to sit on one side of a door while his sister Kinkers sits on the other side and they will try to attack each other under the door so that all you see is a little orange paw come under one side and a gray paw go in the opposite direction. LOL so funny. Also he discovered a new form of entertainment the other day when he found an empty toilet paper tube. Apparently this is alot of fun to play with! I know everyone has cute/funny stories like this so please share them.



    LOL. Fun topic.

    Bear has a similar habit. He likes to play with the ring from a gallon milk jug. You know, the thing that holds the lid down until you twist it off.

    We get him toys and things to help stimulate him, but get him one of those rings and nothing else is suitable.



    lol my cats do a lot of funny stuff but one of them, Sylvester, rips up paper balls like a dog and he spits the peices he rips of in the air. if you just roll up a paper ball and throw it he grabs it plops down on the ground and just shreds away it is very funny.



    Yep my kitties love the milk jug ring too. They are hidden all over the house in every corner. They also like it when they find a full roll of toilet paper that isn’t attached to anything. They will unroll it and shred the entire thing. Lol, its like they think they are hamsters. Not fun to clean up though. I got them the best toy at the dollar store the other day. It’s a little plastic thing that hooks on to the top of a door with a stretchy string hanging down that has a mouse on the end of it. We watch them play with that more then we watch TV. They both go crazy for it but Vegas will grab the mouse in his mouth and run as far as he can till the string doesn’t stretch anymore then he will sit there with it in his mouth and growl at it.



    Leo is the clown of my 4 kitties, no hair clip or tie is safe. I have hard wood floors so to him there is nothing better then slapping one of the hair clips across the floor and then running to pounce on it. He also loves the milk rings. The thing that really tickles us is when he sneaks up behind one of the other 3 and from around a corner reaches out and paws one of them It make them jump in shock but the funny part is he always scares his self it the process.



    My Chester has a stuffed elephant that he loves more than I’ve seen a cat love anything. He nuzzles it, sucks on it, kneads it and purrs. He does this to my bathrobe too…I think he has a fetish for the fabric.



    HI, I’m new here. My cat, MissChief (pronounced, as the word, ‘mischief’), sleeps with a stuffed teddy bear. I have a picture of it, but didn’t want to get in trouble for posting it here. I will if you want me to, though. It’s too cute for words.



    My cat Beau (big, white, deaf) is 4 years old and is quite a character. He likes to sing out the window at the top of his lungs, at the neighbors, lol.

    Also, he loves chasing shadows or lights on the wall. Bought a disco ball, turned it on, and he’ll jump at the little dots of light it puts out until I turn it off.

    Another cat, Blackie, prefers watching cat videos on tv from the rocker/recliner.

    Click on any picture to see full size:



    Our cat "Kitty" sits by the table at meal time (or anytime we eat) and makes chewing motions as he watches us chew. It is sooo cute.



    My kitten fraggle does lots of really crazy things, but one of her fave and most individual is playing with a drinking straw – she carries it around in her mouth for hours and delights in pushing it under the sofa and digging it back out again!



    I’ll just let Pookie tell his own story:
    I would really LOVE to have one of those Kitty Condos that have all those little shelves I can jump upon….that way I will have a better chance to jump on the dog as she walks by….right now all I can do is smack her on the butt and scare her to was really funny that one day when I was hiding behind the door and smacked Panda (she’s a husky)and she tried to jump in mommys lap cause she didn’t know what happened to her and I almost laughed myself silly when she almost turned mommy over in her chair trying to get in her lap to get away from that horrible thing that happened to her……as you can tell I’ve not been a very good boy this year…ok yea I did do one more thing, this past summer I got out of the house and the dog was after me, daddy tried to rescue me but I was really scared, didn’t mean to put 42 holes in his hand with my teeth and claws which ended up an emergency room visit for him…geez I try to be good but its so hard sometimes….I am good to my mommy though, but of course she’s the one who feeds me..LOL…guess I won’t mention how I put my paw in her mouth when she’s sleeping…wonder why she jumps up so fast when I have my claws out when I touch her mouth? then theres those times when I think over the bed is a racetrack and I jump on mommys ribs to make it to the other side…geez she sure is jumpy when I’m around….LOL….Love, Pookie cat



    My cat, Monster really thinks he is a dog. I call him puppy a lot. He will fetch his toys and balls so you will either play with him or throw them so he can bring them back. He will also sit in the window and growl at people as they walk pass, but once they come in he loves all over them! It is soo funny! Watch out for my attack kitty, LOL!



    I mentioned my fraggle before – but this is hilarious – i recently purchased an item that came in a very large cardboard box, so of course rather than throwing it out i fashioned a kind of box fort for her that she loves! When i woke up this morning, i found that she had stolen my dishwashing sponge, and one rubber glove and hidden it in her fort!how crazy!what an odd fetish!



    My 1 year old, Shmoo, loves to play with plastic bottles. She stalks & attacks like no tomorrow. It’s hilarious to watch. She also gets spurts of energy and suddenly starts running back and forth from the same two spots over and over again. And she’s not graceful about it either. It sounds like a stampede!

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