Crocodile Hunter Dies!

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    Steve Erwin died today due to a stingray barb to the chest. Here is a site for more info.,0005.htm
    What do you guys think about this. I find this really sad.



    It is a shame. The man seemed untouchable, even when wrestling crocodiles. He did a lot for making the animal world exciting to young people, and I believe he was also very active in conservation and captive breeding programs.



    It was a really sudden death too. Something I didn’t expect.



    He was amazing!!! Such a shocking end, although he was a risk taker..Crikey, mate…He will be missed all over the world..
    Rest In Peace, Steve…



    ANYONE else? I really think he helped a lot of animals. I really wanted to meet him once. Sadly that never happened. He also different charity’s and went to different places to edjucate people so that they would want to help save animals. R.I.P. Anyone else have anything to say?

    Click on any picture to see full size:



    I always assumed he would die at the paws/claws/teeth of some kind of animal but it’s still really sad. I feel bad for his wife and 2 kids especially!



    A lot of money has been pouring in to his fundraisers for animals now that he is gone.



    it is so sad, Steve is a legend and I hope he is always remembered!!
    I hope that people continue to look after animals the way he would want, those people who are killing Sting Ray’s in Australia are certainly not acting the way Steve would want, he would be so disapointed in them, Steve always wanted to die when the camera’s were rolling so he went the way he wanted, my thoughts are with his family, friends and crocs!!
    He was very well thought of and I hope that helps Terri & co through this tough time.



    Steve did an awesome job at educating young and old not only about crocks, but other endangered species and but wildlife at large.

    His enthusiasm was catchy.

    My condolences to his his famly.



    The Crocodile hunter was mine, and surely many more people’s hero. Like previously stated, he seemed almost untouchable….I was really upset when I heard the news, I feel so horrible for his kids, and his wife, that must be awful for them…..R.I.P. Steve Irwin, you were truly a legend.



    My children, husband and I will miss him terribly but are thankful that we were privaledged enough to have been able to say that our lives were touched by him, his work and what he stood for. My youngest son, 8, cried and cut out the news paper clipping with the tradgedy to keep it in his scrap book. Because of Steve Irwins work and love for animals, my children have a great respect for the wild life around them. My youngest one wants to grow up to be an entamolgist. God bless Terri and her kids and my they continue Steve’s legacy.



    Well what a sad thing to happen to one of our favorite and loved Aussie Icons, He will always be remembered for the kind and caring person he was, and for the love he showed his family and friends and especially the wildlife will not be forgotten in a hurry, He was one of a kind and always will be, Mate i take my hat off to ya, RIP Steve, you are always in our hearts, My sympathy to his wife and kids. Best Wishes Cowgal_5



    I read that Bindi plans to carry on her father’s work, and also film the Stingray that killed her father to finish the show he was filming! She’s going to have a new show called Jungle Girl. 🙂 How cute. I commend her for being so brave in this time of need…and sadness.



    it’s a shocking news,unbelievable.
    he was also very active.he did much research on animals.



    It’s really really really sad.

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