Soon i will have my own mice!

Home Community Small Pets Soon i will have my own mice!

This topic contains 8 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Hannah 17 years, 9 months ago.

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    what objects shall i put in the cage?? and how much are mice? what bedding??



    You want a pet mouse? They are very easy to keep, I raise my own. You will need the bedding which can be found at any pet store and should only cost a few dollars or for a simpler and an inexpensive way you can use paper shreds. Mice actually only cost $2 each at my local pet stores, it would be a pretty good idea to get more than one so it won’t be lonely. You can use anything from a large plastic container to a specially built medal cage that can be found at pet stores. I use fish acquariums which I have found to work the best. The mouse’s cage will also require a small water bottle and a food bowl. (With food and water of course) And other things to can add to the cage are any of those jungle qym things which mice will love with all the tunnels and what not. An excersize wheel would be a good idea as well. If you have any more questions I will be happy to help you out.



    Thankyou for you help!! Today i went to a petshop and braught some hamster food becacuse apparently you can feed mice it? dont know weather its true or not though! Are mice easy to escape? are they calm or always on the move???



    The mice can escape, so you have a lid on the cage just make sure air can pass through it. In the cage are they active? Yes, like half the time when they’re not sleeping but they are calm and sleep a lot. When you hold them they seem to be very hyper.



    Have you ever managed to lose any? What colour are yours??



    My brother’s mice got out a few times. I haven’t lost any I use a lid. 🙂



    yes good idea! im hoping i dont lose them!!



    Okay well good luck! If you have any more questions you can send me an email.



    Ok, thankyou very much for your help and answers! much aprecciated!

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