11 year old Sneezer

Home Community Cats Health 11 year old Sneezer

This topic contains 5 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Kichwa 21 years, 3 months ago.

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    Hi there Lovey and Sneezer, Well, first of all, congratulations on your soon to be third baby!! That is wonderful. Now to the problem with Sneezer. Lovey, my first suggestion was to be take Sneezer for a vet check up to be sure it was not medical. You have done that. Secondly, I would ask if you have changed litter boxes, litter type or even the placement of Sneezer’s box? Cats are so finicky about their boxes. I have three girls and trust me on this one. LOL Have you changed "cleaner" you use for Sneezer’s box? Cats can be very put off by smells they don’t like. Have you changed Sneezer’s diet drastically? Maybe some others will read this post and respond too. Some of my good friends have begun posting on here so the more people to read your post ~~ the closer we will get to resolving your problem. I sincerely hope things get better for you and your furball. I will do some research too and see if I can provide you with some answers. Take care and welcome to this great site.



    Hi Lovey, I know I asked you a lot of questions in the earlier post ~~ but thought of a couple of other things. Have you had Sneezer neutered/spayed? When Sneezer urinates ~~ is it just a normal peepee or is Sneezer actually "spraying" (both female and male can spray) and some even after being neutered/spayed. Lastly, call your vet and talk to him/her about a new product called "Feliway". It can be purchased in the US now and has had some good results. It is a product that entices cats to not pee pee in the wrong places and actually calms them a bit. Never use a product you are not sure about though, before discussing with your vet for your particular furbaby. Hope some of this helps you out. Some people say to put down aluminum foil in the place where your kitty is urinating; supposed to discourage them (cats really don’t like foil). But from what you have told us, I would say there is hidden problem here with your Sneezer and hopefully we can figure out what it is. Talk to you soon,



    We had rearranged our living room the first time so I figured that was her problem. I cleaned it while she was locked up and then things were fine. She is urinating and it looks to be normal urine. When she has UTI it is usually really yellow. She was spayed 8 or 9 years ago. She had a bad pregnancy, miscarried all but one of the babies in later stages of the pregnancy and the one that lived or did so for 3 days. I didn’t want to put her through that again. We haven’t changed anything about her litter box, I have changed her food but it was while we were going through this the first time. I’m at a loss. I will take your advice and speek to our vet. Hopefully he can help. My dog is five months older than Sneezer so now I’m waiting for her to start acting up. Thank you so much for all of your advice. I really do appreciate it!!



    I came to this sight for the first time yesterday. I had posted my problem about my cat. I got one reply which I appreciated so much, but I would like to have some more input. My kitty, Sneezer, is almost 11 years old. She started urinating on my carpet in September, I had her checked but no medical problem could be found. I ended up locking her in our laundry/bathroom for a month. I finally let her out and things were fine for a couple months. Then she started again. I locked her back up and now she is urinating in front of the shower. I am pregnant with my 3rd child and this is really stressing me out. I have owned 3 generations of this cat family and I love my kitty but it is putting a huge strain on things. HELP! Thank you![color=Purple][/color]



    Hello again Lovey and Sneezer!! ;D Well, I see you have a sense of humor! You go girl! Hopefully your poochie won’t begin imitating Sneezer in this area!!! Seriously, though, I am glad you are asking your vet regarding Feliway. Please let me know what he tells you and how it goes with Sneezer. You know, Lovey, sometimes we just cannot "explain" things going on with our animals. If we have done the appropriate things such as taking our furries to the vet when problems arise…ect…and there seems to be no "logical" answer ~~ I just chalk it up to "cats being cats" They are extrememly perceptive little beings and it may be that Sneezer is picking up on your "busyness" with the soon coming baby?? Had you thought of that? I sometimes think my persian, Chyna Blu, reads my thoughts and mind and somehow knows when I am happy, sad or upset!!! Best of luck to you and do please let me know what the vet says and how it goes with your Sneezer. Take care.



    Hi Lovey and Sneezer, How are you both doing. Just thinking about you today. Let us know how it is going with Sneezer okay?

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