Is his life worth living.

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  SJ 16 years, 4 months ago.

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    I have posted a few questions about a male GP of mine called mingles, he is nearly 2 years old and I have had him since he was born (I also have his mum), he had a op about 1 1/2 years ago to remove a abcess and have his back teeth trimmed along with his 2 brothers, then a year later he got a second lump, which turned out to be the roots of his teeth growing down into his jaw, so we had the teeth removed, then a another lump came, an abcess, which we had drained and left open to be cleaned out a few times each day, he had his teeth trimmed back again, now he has lost weight and I believe it is due to his back teeth at the top where the bottom ones have been removed, however it has only been 2 months since they were last cut back, if he is like this every 2 months is it fair to him to have so many ops. He is still playing with his brothers, eating and drining and squeaking but not as much as normal.



    Im taking him to the vets tonight and seeing what John (our vet) says, Mingles is my fav (i know I shouldnt have a fav but i can help it) as he follows me around, always wants a tickle and recognises me more than the other, when I walk towards there room he starts getting excited and stands on his back legs and sqeaks (my mum has seen it and I put a video camera in there it was so cute). He is so clever and brave little guy, I want to give him as many chance as I can.



    Just got back from the vet and Mingles has had gas and some of his teeth trimed back, the vet said it looked like the incisors had grown to much and they were pushing the others back. He has trimmed the frount and back on one side, mingles came home half asleep and dribbling it was so strange to see him like that, now he is awake and with his brothers back in their cage. We just have to see if he eats, if not them he may need a full anasetic (but I dont know if I should put him through it) and he will need the op quite a few times to keep his teeth short enough to eat.



    Just an update, I have only just brung myself to post this, the following saturaday his weight had dropped further. The only fair option was to have him put down, I cuddled him in the car on the way back and burried him next to his ever doating aunt (when he was a baby she used to fed him). As with the others he has his special box, his has hay and a blanket, he was such a baby and loved to snuggle down. He has also got his own cutting of a tree just like the others, I miss him so much. Stay well and safe my little Mings I will love you always



    ive read all of your notices and that si really sad considering that it was your favourtie guinea pig aswell. but if he was going through so much trouble then i suppose it was the right thing to do



    Gutted mate. Never nice. Thats the thing with pigs..they can bring so much joy…but at athe same time bring much heart ache and expense. Its a fine line between choosing continual treatment…and euthanasia.



    I have just been reading through of some of my old posts, and found this one. I still miss my little Mings every day, and just reading this has brought tears to my eyes, but unfortunately this is not the end of it. By the looks of it, it seems the tooth thing is genetic as his brother and sister also passed away from similar symptoms, but at least they are back together. Anyway now is sister has the similar problems, but she is doing a lot better, mainly because the problem tooth is at the front and so can be cut without anaesthetic and I can keep a close eye on it myself, which makes me feel more in control of her life.
    Just so everyone knows I did not breed them, I got two females from the pet shop, checked them both myself to make sure they were but they were already both pregnant. I could never be a breeder mainly because as with these little ones I could never part from them… unfortunate for my other half, we had 8 guineas in the end, but only 2 left. ;-(

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