To Love Again

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    When tragedy strikes and a treasured animal companion is taken from us , how many of us feel that we can never again let another into our heart . Two years ago my dear sealpoint Persian cat Zif crossed the Rainbow Bridge – killed by a speeding car. I had let him out to roam free while I worked night shift – thinking it would be safe because I live in a quiet backstreet . Because I was so slow to react , Zif’s broken little body ended at the garbage dump and I was never able to give him a digified burial or say goodbye. Zif aged 12 weeks [img][/img] Zif aged 1yr [img] If I had not adopted a wild-eyed little Maine Coon named Sasha from the local S.P.C.A. I would have died of a broken heart . To have loved and lost is greater than to have never loved at all . Sasha with mischief on her mind 8) [img] Sasha’s fluffy sidekick Raoul [img]



    Hi Fluffmeister… This is a very sad story, and one that I wouldn’t wish on any pet owner. Its true that the chance to say goodbye to a pet is good for the grieving process. I admire your courage and you also teach us another lesson – to be grateful every day for the hapiness and companionship our pets give to us. Warm Regards Wendy



    Hi Fluffmeister, Your note truly touched my heart. I really don’t believe there is a pet lover out there who at one time or another has not experienced the depth of grief you are referring to. Our poor ole hearts just feel like they are literally breaking, don’t they? When we lose a fur baby, I think we all begin to question ourselves, what did we do wrong, did we do enough, could we have done more. I know you loved your Zif with all your heart and soul and no one can ever ever replace him. Yet, I too know the love and joy your Sasha and Raoul and lately ~~ your Anastasia ~~ have brought into your troubled heart. Let them love you and heal you; for truly, the love of a dear animal, a friend, a pal, a soulmate ~~ is more precious than silver or gold. You have been blessed in this lifetime, by having more than one soulmate, and you are very, very fortunate. Your friend ~~



    Yes i am glad you have found another pet to share your life. I remember all my oldies who have gone, with much love and each one i have owned has gave me so much happiness, thank goodness for our pet’s they give all and ask little



    i have just lost my collie x suddenly 2 weeks ago and i can realise the pain you feel, to be honest it was my first own pet which i loved and cared for 11 years, you feel like your insides have been ripped out. i know in time it will get easier and that pet will never be replaced, but i am hoping to get another dog as my life is so empty without one, mind you i feel terribly guilty as i feel that i should not want another dog, but like i say its not to replace bruce its to have another companion. sorry to go on just hope people here can reassure my guilty consience. :'(



    hi patsy thankyou so much for the reply, it has made me stop and think and yes you are right bruce would want me to have another dog and give it love just like i gave to him. once again many thanks for helping me through this guilt ridden time. :-*



    Hi Pigsy, Oh you are most welcome!! Anyone would have told you the same thing I did I am sure. Please do let us know when you get another furbaby to love okay? Hey Greg, loved those pics of your furkids all laid back and relaxing in their cool hammocks. Such spoiled little things they are too, just like my bunch. Take care



    hi all thanks for your help and support, i did try a rescue centre but i waited and no one returned my calls, anyway i now have a 8 week german shepperd, it will never replace bruce but it has helped with the empty feeling, mind you forgot what it is like to have a puppy in the house ;D nevermind she will be trained soon 😉 well i hope anyway. once again thanks everyone :-*



    Hi Pigsy, Oh wow, that is just wonderful!!!! What is this little Miss’ name??? German Shepherd, that is just great. Oh yes, the joys of puppyhood and kittenhood!!! Hang in there Pigsy, it will get better. hee hee. So glad you have a new best friend. Let us know how it goes okay?



    hi all i have called her amber and she is doing really well, she is nearly house trained and gets her last lot of jabs in 2 weeks so we can go for some lovely walks, i cant wait, she has made such a difference i havent forgotten bruce but it most certainly eases the pain. take care everyone



    aw poor you. and everyone else. ive also lost my babies rosie(CAT) at 18yrs old of old age, then jade(DOG) at 4 yrs old breathing problems and bad hip dysplaxia and my ringo(CAT) 4 YRS OLD just went missing………,



    :'( I understand what you are going through. I had a Palomino pony, named Snickers…he was 30 and had broken his leg, playin’ with our mares. He was sadly put down on Nov. 26, 2002 :-



    :'( sorry about your loss, you feel so empty when they go don’t you. I lost my white female to ald age, but the hole she left affected both myself and my husband. I rescued a new cat from the rspca, he did’t like humans!! but a few days with me, hes now very affectionet and has filled me with joy once more.



    hi Fluffmeister. we share something in common. when i lost my 2 dogs because of old age, i couldn’t find it in my heart to get another pet. i kept thinking that it will never be the same again. i just didn’t want to entertain thoughts of starting all over again … building a relationship, loving a pet, then losing a dear friend. i just couldn’t go through all that pain again. but i realized that grieving is a normal process. time heals. without consciously thinking about it, i just realized one day that i was ready to share my heart again. i fell in love with miko the day i saw him. he is a white bundle of joy and he has made my life happier. miko’s warmth and affection made me decide to get another friend. i now have 2 dogs, miko and bruno. they constantly make me smile. i was really afraid when miko underwent an operation last week because of bladder stones. he was confined for several days at the clinic. it was his first time away from home. it was really hard on everybody. i’m just thankful that the operation went well. he is home now and doing much better. he is on prescription diet. miko is just 6 years old. we’re all taking good care of him. he will have his checkup next week and we’re hoping for the best.

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