Cat losing weight suddenly

Home Community Older Cats Cat losing weight suddenly

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Shannon 18 years, 1 month ago.

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    My beautiful Tishy has lost a lot of weight in just the last week. I can now feel her back bone and her haunches are all sunken in. She is still eating and wants to be right near me at night, but otherwise, she just sleeps and doesn’t want to play. She had been vomiting a brownish flemmy stuff for a couple of days. When she was 3 she had a bone marrow transplant for lymphona, but she lived to this ripe old age. She hates going to the vet, but……..



    The only thing you can do is to take her to the vet for a thorough exam as soon as possible. Perhaps she has hairballs and impacted fecal matter, but it could be something else. This is why it?s so important to go immediately. Please, for the sake of your cat, do not postpone the vet visit. Good luck with your cat; I hope she will be all right.



    Serious illnesses and conditions to check for: diabetes, worms, mild colic, internal bleeding. Any of these could be an underlying factor or a main cause. I suggest you see the vet.

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