How do I teach my picky eater to eat more diversely?

Home Community Cat Food & Feeding How do I teach my picky eater to eat more diversely?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  SJ 19 years, 2 months ago.

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    I recently adopted a 9-month old kitty (originally feral) and his former foster parents fed him only certain (low-grade and not that nutritious) foods. Now I am attempting to set the cat on a healthier, higher quality diet, but he refuses; he is adamant about not only sticking to a certain brand, but even a certain flavor. The cat is a picky eater, to say the least. (Even foods an ordinary cat would salivate over, this cat will turn his nose up at and go back to that generic-brand carb-loaded kibble.) How do I train him or get him better adapted to a new diet? I’m a new pet owner, and would truly appreciate any guidance at all regarding this matter. Thank you in advance.



    Try mixing a very very small amount of the new cat food with the old and slowly increase the amount of new, if the kitten still doesnt eat it then you are adding to much, even if you have to start with a bit of jelly or a few peaces. It can actually cause probems changing from one food to another too fast, and dont rush her.

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