my dog loves walks but constanlty….

Home Community Dogs my dog loves walks but constanlty….

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    I have a 8 year old Golden Retriever that loves and I mean loves to go for walks, every time we say the word walk she gets really excited. I live in a neighborhood with about 8 houses on the 3/4th mile rode we live on and EVERY body has at least one dog. most of the dogs are nice and a couple of them I even baby-sit when there owners go on vacations and stuff, but my dog is a really big golden retriever, about 90 pounds and is really sweet but ever time we walk past a neighbors house she goes nuts if there dog is outside she starts pulling and barking cause she wasn?t to go by it. I am only 13 so I?m not that strong and sometimes if she wants to go enough she can pull me over, none of the dogs on my rode are on chains or in cages because we all live on a rode away from town and our dogs stay in there own yards, and most are nice except one (a wiener dog) which I have been bitten by twice (unfortunately he is our next door neighbor), but he always stays in his own yard. When my dog goes over there she isn?t going to cause harm just to say hi, I just don?t want her going up into there yard. My question is, how can I control my dog and get her not to care about the other dogs when we are walking and make her not pull, I bought her a no pull harness and just bought her a harness that gives the owners more control over the dogs but she is still a very strong dog. She is very smart and knows when she comes back to me that she did wrong. How can I train her not to pull? P.S please don?t tell me to get her a trainer or obedience schools or ?have an adult take her?. I need advise of how I can control her and teach her not to do it. It isn?t out of meanness that she does it she is always very curious about everything and needs to learn to calm down



    Try taking some of her favourite treats with you in your pockets, get something that makes a clicker noise and distract her with it, if you have the patience and keep doing it every time, she’ll get to know the routine. Dogs love interacting, especially when they get something tasty out of it, telling off doesn’t work, it’s simply more attention and they just continue their naughty behaviour. You just need to find something to distract her, let her know you’ve got the treats on you before you even set out, but hold off giving her any until she’s responding to your distraction, she’ll be more interested in you than the other dogs. Give it a try and keep it up, or maybe you could get some knee pads ! Good Luck.

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