Is it ok to leave my dog out in the cold when….

Home Community Dogs Health Is it ok to leave my dog out in the cold when….

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    my almost 9 year old golden retriever Angel is always sitting by the door waiting to go outside so i let her asumming that she needs to go to the bathroom but the i go out to get her in like 10-15 min and she just sits there and refuses to come in. normalyi would just let hhar do what she wants but we live in the northern u.p and it is freezing up har it is usualy about -25 through 10 degrees ferenhight here and she also has hip problems. should i insist she comes in or let her do what she wants?



    The dog knows what she wants. Let her be. She may also be getting old and she might be acting this way because of this. Or it may be that she wants to play fetch. If you dont play fetch with her on a regular basis, then it may be because she’s about to pass away.



    thanks for you responce, but i dont really think it is becuase "she wants to dies" or "wants to play fetch". i got advise from someone i know and they were just like "she probably just wants to cool off or something". She also is a very protective dog. As far as "going to die" goes, she is VERY VERY puppyish, she is always running around and playing and you can tell she isnt ready to go yet. she never is away from the house she just sits on our porch next to the door, its not like she is away from the house. Once again thanks for the reply but i think i will just stick to making sure she comes in after about 15 min.



    Ok, then if she acts like a puppy then obviosly she’ll live a little longer, but I really dont think it’s so she can "cool down" thats just plain ridiculous. Hey, but your the one who couldn’t simply just call a vet!



    Dogs do not always do what is best for themselves and senior dogs can begin having cognitive issues and not realzie how cold it is. Even if the dog seems fine outside there is still risk of cold damage to the extremities. If she is not moving, she need to come in when it is very cold out. Heck a couple of my dogs will stay out until they are icicles and their ears and tails feel like slabs of frozen meat if I did not call them in. Best safe than sorry…



    Thanks for the advise, Karen 🙂



    You’re doing the right thing in bringing Angel (I love the name!) ;D in after a few minutes. There are 2 things that I think you should consider here, however… 1. Angel may have to go to the ‘bathroom’ as you suspect, but she may be having problems with going. Has there been any indication of that at all? 2. Angel may be getting senile – doggy alzheimers. She’s fairly young, but all pets are not the same, just as in humans. She may be becoming confused. 3. It would be in Angel’s best interest (and yours) to have her seen by a vet. Discuss with him/her what you’ve posted here. Good luck and please keep in touch! ~Angel~

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