know any dog or pet poems i need….please respon!

Home Community Dogs know any dog or pet poems i need….please respon!

This topic contains 0 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Lexy 19 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #448033


    i know this should be posted in the "poetry forum"…but nobody goes there. in my town we have a ‘pet week’ thing and you can send in photos of your pets, stories about them, poems, etc. I have been sending in pictures and stories of my baby Angel for the past 3 years and now i would like to send it a poem. if you have any favorite poems about dogs or just pets ingeneral i would really apreciate if you could send them to me (along with the persons name who wrote it or if not know just put unknown). i would really appreciate it!

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