is this alright? PLEASE RESPOND!

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    have a almost 9 year old golden retriever and we live up in northern MI and it is really cold right now, ecpecialy this weekend, we have a high of like -0s and a low of like -30. she will often sit by the door to go out so i let her out asuming she needs to go to the bathroom, but she just goes and lays out there. then like 15 min later i go to let her in an she wont come in. so i go to get her in like another 10-20 min…she never seems to want to come in unless she is out for like 1 hour or longer. she has a hip problem and i dont think cold air is good for that. i usualy go out and get her with the leash if she is outside for more that 15 min, but she never seems to want to come in. should i keep going to get her or just let her do what she wants?



    That’s a tough call. My dog loves to be outside as well, she normally runs away when we try and get her to come inside. However, I live in Florida, so the coldest weather we get is in the 30’s, MAYBE upper 20’s. It’s been REALLY cold (for us anyway) here lately, and Maggie still likes to go outside. We don’t see the harm in letting her do what she wants, she always comes to the door when she is ready to come in. Maggie is a baby, though, and she doesn’t have any problems. I think that if I were in your shoes, I would let her out for about 10 minutes so she can run around and do whatever it is that she likes to do out there, but then insist that she come in. It may not be hurting her at that moment, but the cold weather can affect them in the future, especially if they already have a problem. Hope this helps, I’m no expert but if it were me, that’s what I would do.



    My German Shepherds love to sleep outside. We have a doggy door so they can go in or out as they pleez. Sometimes, in the morning they come in and there whole fur is frozen solid!LOL!!



    WHy not get your dog a sweater or jacket, keep an eye on her, check off and on to see if she’ll come in, and once the hour is up insist tht she does come in.

    Dogs have fur, and they tend to be a little warmer than us, and yet they like us don’t always know when they should get out of the cold.

    I live in Idaho, and we also have cold winters, and I have a dog that does that same kind of thing, but ultimately she wants to be with her pack.

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