is it alright to leave her out in….

Home Community Dogs Health is it alright to leave her out in….

This topic contains 0 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Lexy 19 years, 5 months ago.

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    have a almost 9 year old golden retriever and we live up in northern MI and it is really cold right now, ecpecialy this weekend, we have a high of like -0s and a low of like -30. she will often sit by the door to go out so i let her out asuming she needs to go to the bathroom, but she just goes and lays out there. then like 15 min later i go to let her in an she wont come in. so i go to get her in like another 10-20 min…she never seems to want to come in unless she is out for like 1 hour or longer. she has a hip problem and i dont think cold air is good for that. i usualy go out and get her with the leash if she is outside for more that 15 min, but she never seems to want to come in. should i keep going to get her or just let her do what she wants?

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