FLEAS! FLEAS! FLEAS!…what do you guys use on your pets? please respond!

Home Community Dogs Health FLEAS! FLEAS! FLEAS!…what do you guys use on your pets? please respond!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Karen 19 years, 5 months ago.

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    I advise against flea collars as humans can come in direct contact with the toxins. Use a good product such as Frontline that can be purchased through your vet. Though more expensive, it is safer than the products you can buy at local pet supply shops and grocery stores. Frontline can be used as often as once a month or as little as once every few months depending on the flea issue. I live in Virginia and my sister is in Michigan – between Lansing and Detroit. My flea problem is longer and more severe than where sis lives. I use Frontline in the spring and them may not need it again until fall. I only needed it twice last year – once was after two dogs were boarded and ended up bring fleas home. Now, as your vet about a dose of Capstar to begin with. This is a one-dose flea tablet that is out of the dog’s system within 24 hours. It is supposed to be safe to use with Frontline which can take a few days for full effect to be reached (do not bathe the dog for three days before or after using Frontline). Combined with this, groom her daily and every day for a week vaccuum the living area. You can cut up a flea collar and put it in the vaccuum cleaner bag. Once a week wash her bedding in very hot water as well. Within a week or two you should see a difference. Now, garlic is reported to be a flea repellant. However, it is also toxic to dogs and the amount to cause any real affect on fleas can also be ebough to make a dog sick. Avoid the garlic remedies as a larger dose may be needed and that can make your dog ill. Citrus and citronella sprays formulated for dogs may help repel fleas – especially if the infestation is not bad. My preference is good grooming and the use of Frontline. Again, you only have to use Frontline at most once a month, it is safer than products sold at supply stores and such and you can also cut down to once every few months or even less once things are under control…



    i have a almost 9 year old Golden Retriver and i am almost sertan she has fleas. she is always scratching and we have found many ticks on her during the summer (but we live in upper Michigan so thats normal). i want to get her a flea colar or something but my mom is very cautions about putting things like that on her (medications and stuff, cause of possible side affect). I was wondering what you guys use on your dogs and what you would recomend. I would GREATLY appreciat your advise…thanks. -Lexy-



    Hi! Talk to your vet about Advantage. It is the stuff you rub between the shoulders once a month. It works great on our dogs, no fleas or ticks! Its a little pricey, but worth it. 🙂

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