16 year old cat constantly hungry

Home Community Older Cats 16 year old cat constantly hungry

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    Our 16 year old male cat begs constantly for food. He has lost a lot of weight in the past year and heads for the litter box frequently. The vet says he is an old cat with bowel problems and nothing can fix it. Someone told us not to feed him soy. It seems most every cat food has soy in it. We are going to Pet Supermarket next week to see if we can find him something else. Someone else said to put the contents of a vitamin E capsule in his food. I am reluctant to do that because I do not want to harm him and am afraid to give him human doses anyway. We love this cat with so much personality and would like to help him. Does anyone have any good suggestions?



    When you say head for the litter box, are you referring to constant urinating or bowel movements/daiharrea?

    My male kitty is 14 and he too has begun constantly eating, but isn’t losing weight. He is steady gaining, is at 16 lbs.

    Awhile back he had IBS and was throwing up some as well as diaharrea. The vet treated him with Reglan, which is also used for humans.

    The other poster that stated her cat loved the Whiskas Bags, so do all three of my elder cats (the blue Salmon flavor bags). These aren’t full-nutritional cat food, but should be used for "Treats" only.



    Un fortunately our Big Guy passed on last summer. He was miserable and was pacing almost constantly. We both cried like babies.
    He was getting to the point that he didn’t care where he pooped — here there and everywhere. He was miserable and so were we.
    Constantly hungry and would eat everything in sight and beg ofr more. Lost so much weight that he was a skeleton with skin.
    I still do not know for sure what happened to him and the Vet continued to say that he was old and his organs/bowels/etc were worn out.
    Thank you for your responses. I know you pet lovers know how hurt we were when we lost him.

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