father and son

Home Community Dog Behavior father and son

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Karen 19 years, 4 months ago.

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    i might be getting another dog and i already have a dog. but the 2 dogs are not strangers gizmo is elmo’s father and i currently own elmo. anyways my grandfather has become ill and i think it would be better if gizmo came to live with my and my family where he can get the attention he needs for an older dog. elmo use to live with gizmo in the same house for a year until elmo came to live wit me. but we go in almost every weekend and elmo goes with us to my grampa’s place(gizmo’s house too) and they seem to get along ok there like they don’t play much because gizmo is a fairly older dog i am not to sure how old because he was a rescue dog that my grandparents had rescued from a bad situation. but if i had to guess i would say arond 16 17. and elmo is 8. but they don’t fight either which is a plus. they use to have they’re little tiffs like a few years ago but none since then. they have established dominence and everything. my family’s concern is that both dogs really like their attention and i mean really like it. oh by the way gizmo is a chihuahua(not sure if spelt right) and elmo is a chihuahua shi sue mix(not sure if spelt right sorry). and since this is elmo’s house and gizmo has never been here they were worried about elmo getting jealouse and mean with gizmo. is there anything i can do to ease elmo into better, or do you think he will be alright seein as it’s his father and they grew up together and when we stay at my grandpa’s house the 2 dogs share a house there? sorry this is soo long. um i think i gave you all the background and info on them. if u need more just tell me. thank you so much for reading this and replying.


    thank you so much for replying. but i don’t know if you understood or not. they have lived together before and when i go to visit my grampa like almost every weekend they see each other then to. they are not strangers to one and other. but agian thanks for replying i will do that.



    I would have the potential new dog meet your dog as much as possible, have them interact on neutral ground, bring something from the new dog’s house to yours so your dog can smell it and such. Then do a few short visits in the front yard of your house with the new dog on leash or with a fence between them and then a few short visits with the new dog inside the house and then next thing, the dog is there for good. It may not hurt to have a trainer guide you along the road to bringing in the poor pup in need. But if they get along with other dogs outside the house and can manage short visits with other dogs in the house, they should adapt fine. Reward the good behavior in your dog and if he acts up, do NOT punish him but walk him away to a quieter spot and let him calm down. These also may help you further: http://www.cuhumane.org/topics/dogdog.html http://www.petlandflorida.com/saysadd.html And get your hands on Second Hand Dog, by Carol Lea Benjamin. Amazon.com should have it.

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