exactly how to feed my 10 week old pop

Home Community Dog Food & Feeding exactly how to feed my 10 week old pop

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    Hi every one I have a 10 week old dashund pup. I am confused on how much to feed him and when. THE VET TELLS ME TO KEEP THE FOOD IN THE BOWL ALLDAY UNTIL 6 pm THEN REMOVE IT AND NOT TO FEED HIM ONLY 3 TIMES A DAY BECAUSE HE IS A PUP AND WILL NEED THE NUTRIENTS, HE HAD SAID WHEN THE PUP GETS OLDER FEED HIM 3 TIMES A DAY THEN A LITTLE MORE OLDER FEED HIM ONLY TWICE . I need help I am confused on how to feed him now. P.S. I am feeding him 3 times a day on puppy food ROYAL CANINE but he doesn’t finish the bowl it is one third of a cup each time I feed him…..Sorry for the caps !!!!



    The vet was wrong… From a behavioral standpoint, what he is telling you will put the dog in too much control of his environment and take away a very vital part of you teaching the pup who is in control of resources. Many vets are not well trained in nutrition, feeding or behavior (my sister is a vet and I know many vets who state these are areas not taught well in school unless the vet specializes). At this age, the pup should be on three to four meals a day. By 12 weeks, down to three. feed a HIGH quality dog food. Feed the pup in a crate (less threatening) Now, put the food down and give the pup 15 minutes to decide to eat. If pup takes a bite an walks away, the food goes away. Pup decides not to eat, his food goes a way. Since the pup is young, in an hour or two, put the food back and repeat. What is this doing? It is teaching pup to eat when the food is put down and not when he feels like it. What is this showing him? That humans are in control of resources he likes and that humans are in charge – Alpha. In a dog society, the Alpha is not the dog doing the rolling or pushing around but the dog in control of the resources. WHat are a pup’s resources? Food Play/Toys Interaction Now, as long as pup is actively eating, the bowl stays down. Some dogs eat fast, otehr leisurely. The trick is that the dog eats when the food is given to him by you and not when he decides to walk by and take a bite. It may take a day or two, but the pup will figure out that meal time is when human dictates it and not when the pup does. Feeding as the vet indicated just can lead to issues down the road. Controlling food better is one way I help owners regain control of dogs that are starting to become confused and act up. If you have this small aspect of control from the beginning, then you can avoid many issues I have clients with. Now, once put gets used to eating when food is given, you will feed him at the same times each day ( or as close to it). Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. At about 5 – 6 monts of age begin to lessen the lunch amount and increase the other two meals until over a few wekes he is onto two meals a day. A couple smaller meals a day is healthier for dogs than one big one. By the time he is 6 – 7 months he should be on two meals. I also want you to read these: http://k9deb.com/nilif.htm http://www.k9station.com/feeding.htm (note this is for an adult dog, since puppies need several meals you can adapt as I indicated above) Hope this helps.

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