help! my dog wont take baths

Home Community Dogs help! my dog wont take baths

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    i have a 8 year old golden retreiver (Angel) who is the sweetest thing ever….that is untile you try to get her in the bath tub. she hates baths and it is almost imposible to get her in the tub once she even snapped at me. i have tried using treats to bribe her and that doesnt even work. i need some sugestions on how to get my dog into the bath tub!



    Do you really need to bath her. At alot of pet stores in England and America (dont know about any ware else) you can buy dry bath wipes. Other wise all you can do is try and slowly get her to trust the bath, taking little steps, taker her in the bathroom, sponge her down outside it, sponge her inside it, put on the shower…. Hope this helps



    Goldens should be bathed beacause of their coat, but however my dog was also scared of baths. I got him used to the by using luke-warm water, putting in for a minute and offering treats (to get him used to the water) and then let him out with lots of praise. Do this a little bit longer each time and eventually she will get used to baths. Hope it works for you.



    You could try feeding her main meal outside the bathroom door or just leave treats near it, once she gets used to that idea feed her them in the bathroom, then turn on the shower of run the bath (but not with her in it) and keep the door open so she doesnt find it threating, them feed her right next to it again with the shower on, then feed her in the bath tub but without water, then with the water on but not directly on her, then just on her a bit, then soak her but no shampoo as it may take a while to rinse, slowly building up the time in the bath until you can wash her fully. I know it sounds like a lot and if you are wanting to bath her now this will not really help but all you can do is slowly build her up and at no time until she fully accepts this bath her. You will also need to do this each day.



    thanks for the responses….one of my main problems is the fact that she wont go within 3 feet of the bathroom door. she is really afraid of baths…during the summer i give her baths outside (right next to our garage) and she will NEVER even if we are just going out there to get something she will never go over there, and its not like the water was cold it was warm. there is no way i can get her into the bathroom.



    I had a female Aussie that also hated baths. She snapped at my husband whenever he would try to get her in there. We found out that the best thing to do was to take her on a long walk (3-4 miles) and then to a grooming place where they let you do it your self. Where I took our girl was great. They had steps for the dogs to walk up to get to the bath, the non-slip surface, a hand held shower head… all that. We only did this once a month or every 6 weeks and just used clean wet towls in between to clean her up a bit. I think taking her out of her usual enviroment and making it less often is what changed her reactions to it all. Don’t get me wrong, she didn’t ever like baths, but the big fuss over it all stopped. Hope this will help some.



    Hi I am from pet people place. try and pick your dog up and put him in the bath tub.



    take her to the groomer and let them deal with it



    well i know what i used to help with teh bathing problem byt my dog is only 8 pounds as for your dog woudl be about 70 give or take. you can try an E Collar this is an electrion coller which is a great device. bailey is so well behaved but it DID NOT change her attuitde of course with the collar she winned and cried like a liil kid buecause she was learning but we get laong so great… also. i worked with a dog trainer 1 on 1. so u might call one and see if they can give u some hlep with the bathing. also the dog snapping at you SHOULD BE STOPPED. because by not stopping it the dog learns that it has to snap and it gets what it want and next time it coudl be over something much smaller.



    ::) Make the bath time fun time. My maltese loves his bath and I am real gentle with his face. Do the head last and they won’t shake off excess water if you do the head last because when the head gets wet that makes them want to shake the water off. Good luck. Also, you can use tether straps with suction cups to keep him still. I have a set but don’t use them anymore. ;D

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