
This topic contains 6 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  crazy_psycho_rat 19 years, 6 months ago.

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    :-[ ??? :'( i am feeling really sad and confused right now.i cant stop thnking about what is going on.i really need some help or if not i am going to wind up like…crying my guts is the deal…at my school,we have 5 teams in the 7th grade(i am in) it is the sharks,eagles,mustangs,grizzleys and the otters in that order from smartedt to lease smartest.i am in the mustangs and all my friends are on the sharks.i hardly have any friends and i sit with these kids hardly know at lunch and in has already been 3 months and i have complained many times about how i feel with my teachers and they wont do anything about it.i feel depressed.i never get to see anyone ot talk to anyone that i know.i think i am going to die if i dont get this out.i have this friend (not saying name) and she was like my best friend and this year the most she has said to me is hi and thats only when i say it first.we had a pep rally today at school and she say directly in front of me and she dident say a word.she is kinda a so called "prep" but she loves horses and has one of her own i always ask her about her horse and about the barn etc.i dont know if she is mad at me or if she just dosent feel like talking,or if she thinks i am a total idiot.i dont know what to think i am so confussed and i am trying to talk to people about it but they just wont understand.i dont want to here"mabey she just dosent want to be your friend anymore" but if thats what it is i will be crushed that she couldent tell me herself.please tell me what to do.


    maybe you should try talkin to her about it. like call her on the phone. or why not talk to your parents about it



    i cant talk to my perents about anything…they are embarriseing and immature about everything…i think it is just she is shy but who knows?


    I think it’s obnoxious to put kids in groups like that. I think you should talk to your parents – I bet they’d understand… Also, don’t worry too much – in ten years, you won’t care what group you were in. How someone does in school doesn’t determine their intelligince and how good a person they are.



    thank you,and i have talked to her about it…i never talk to my perents about anything but horses.they dont tell me anything,i dont tell them anything.


    I’m sure your parents love you – and I bet if you tried talking to them, they wouldn’t be as embarrassing as you think. It’s hard for everyone to talk to their parents about som things, but it’s also important to communicate with your parents so they know how you are, etc. ;D ;D



    ok,everything is back to normal now…and hopefully it stays that way.

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