who’s ur favorite horse back rider?

Home Community Horses & Riding who’s ur favorite horse back rider?

This topic contains 11 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  hayley 15 years, 5 months ago.

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    hi.i was wondering if anyone had a fovorite equestrian?my favrite rider is beezie madden becuase she is so nice and honest and she os one heak of a jumper!just last year i went to the american invitational and i saw her ride,not really knowing who she was but i knew i wanted her to get first place!her actions are so cool!she helps lots of people and loves horses!she is only 30y/o and this year competed in athens greece,but unfortinatly did not place very high,but fun is all that counts! GO BEEZIE!!!!



    Margie Engle is an amazing rider and always gets great mounts from Hidden Creek. I’m also a big fan of Aaron Vale, Ray Texel and the ever so notorious *God* George Morris.



    i have heard of of a few of those people…but not a whole lot about them.i like beexie madden(she is my idol!!!)molly hash,chris kapple and of corse my 2 old traners lindy and christine!!!they are both cool!lol


    I agree with MG…George Morris all the way! Me and MG are going on a road trip to visit "Uncle George" one of these days…hehe…he’s not really our Uncle but we do know his great-neice! McClain Ward also deserves a vote because he has nice eq. considering the size fence he jumps over. Rodrigo Pessoa DOES NOT get a vote…he needs to eat some humble pie as far as I’m concerned…AND WAX THAT GODAWFUL UNIBROW! But seriously, who sells crops for $60? I don’t have a Pessoa saddle because I refuse to give that man any money! He should be giving ME money…whatever happened to helping the needy, eh?



    i <3 pessoa! 😉



    im still sticking with beezie lol BEEZIE ROCKS!!!!!!!! i cant wait till the american invatational…anyone else going?i am hopeing to get there early so i can try to meet her!


    MG…you are a loser. You only like Pessoa because you want the Pessoa blanket. I noticed you said you like Aaron Vale…yeah he’s okay…except he rides like superman…his legs fly all over the place! I was looking through an old USA Equetrian and he was in there and he looked like he was doing a split in the air. Anyway, you and I both know the best rider ever is CARLY!!!!!! 😉 hehe…we’re her biggest fans!


    ??? How DOES he manage to stay on his horse???????



    [quote author=overweight_arab link=board=32;threadid=1538;start=0#msg7403 date=1096845290] I noticed you said you like Aaron Vale…yeah he’s okay…except he rides like superman…his legs fly all over the place! I was looking through an old USA Equetrian and he was in there and he looked like he was doing a split in the air. [/quote] psha! You wanna talk flying legs, let’s talk richard spooner! https://www.towerheads.com/archives/gallery/Towerhead_Picture_of_Year_-_CALIFORNIA_2001/hilton_flight_with_richard_spooner.jpg https://www.towerheads.com/archives/gallery/Towerhead_Picture_of_Year_-_CALIFORNIA_2001/richard_sponer_with_jewel_thief.jpg https://www.towerheads.com/archives/gallery/Towerhead_Picture_of_Year_-_CALIFORNIA_2001/prrestige_and_r_spooner.jpg http://www.towerheads.com/gallery/US_Selection_Trials2004/Round1_Robinson2_RichardSpooner.jpg heh



    lmao, I dunno. and darnit, its supposed to been Richard Sp*ooner…it put thingy in for p*oon, lmao!



    I don’t know her last name but her first name is Laura.She was in the show on animal planet and I forgot wat it was called though.



    I like Beezie and the o’connors

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