blind Hammy???

Home Community Small Pets blind Hammy???

This topic contains 8 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  crazy_psycho_rat 19 years, 9 months ago.

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    the only way to be sure about anything is to take your hamsters to the vet asap.



    When i took my 2.5 year old Campbell drarf hamster out of his cage today, he had white dots in the center of each eye. He never had this befor and today, he seems less aware of things. Is he blind? He is Old, so is it something to do with old age?? Suzi(hamster) and I need your help!!! ???



    Well, I am in Poland now and suzi is realy my cousins hamster, and i tried to take her to a vet, but they looked at me like i was from another planet. They told me that they know nothing abou hammy health, and that they only know about: Dogs, cats, horses, chickens ad other farm animals. >:( i was so mad!!!!!


    that is when you find another vet clinic that does know how to deal with hamster health. a clinic some where in your area should know how to deal with hamster health and if not then there is something wrong with that because it is an animal to and should be treated when it needs to be.


    there should be a vet who is trained to handle hamsters where you are it might take time to find one but i am sure that one should be there. maybe an exotic pet clinic.



    I agre with you 1000000000% +. But hamsters are not a common pet here.


    i’m just saying that if it was my hamster i wouldn’t go with what a web site says. i would take him/her in and have a perfessional look at it.



    I TRIED!!!!!! There is no places, anyway i read that hamsters have poor eye sight, and that lots of hamsters lose it when they are old. thi dousnt afest it though!!



    :DSince in all of Krakow there isnt a vet who knows about Hammies and is too lazy to go bact to School or take a courrseabout small mamal health, I asked my mom to Call my dogs vet (She Rocks!) and ask about Suzies eye sight. They said the same thing as the websites! 8) 🙂 😉

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