Diet-hating cat

Home Community Cat Food & Feeding Diet-hating cat

This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Lisa 11 years ago.

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    Hi. Three years I bought a 4 month shorthair kitten. He appeared to be chubby then. Now, three years later…his huge! He got up to 22 lbs. he’s 19 lbs. now and my vet wants him at 14 lbs. I feed him caned cat food 3 times a day and the wt. is coming off nicely and and not too fast. My problem is he is hungry virtually ALL the time. He is very loud about it. I try to keep his mind off it, but as soon as I stop, he starts crying again. Any suggestions?! (My vet said to give him 1/8 cup kibble. He is still hungry and still crying.)
    Thanks for your help.😿



    There is really nothing you can do about this.
    Your cat doesn’t like his diet? Too bad. He overate and did not burn enough off so now he’s stuck losing it by cutting calories.
    You are guilty of overfeeding him despite being aware of the fact that he was overweight when you got him, so the fact that this pig kept ballooning upward is on you for letting him stuff himself.
    For now the two of you are stuck with his misery but eventually he will get used to his new routine and get over it.
    Good luck, hope he’s soon trimmed down and stops whining about it.

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