Lovebirds eggs over 4 weeks

Home Community Birds Lovebirds eggs over 4 weeks

This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Lisa 11 years, 5 months ago.

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    two of my birds laid eggs over a month ago and they still have not hatched from what I can see she has at least 6 or 7 the female only leaves the nest box once a day. Are these eggs going to hatch and if not what should I do.



    Typically they should take three weeks or around 21 days but they could hatch as late as 25 days or so.
    If it has gone on past 30 days then they are duds and won’t hatch, but don’t give up on them until the hen does.
    Typically a hen won’t stop incubating an egg until 40 days. Once she does, remove and discard them.

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