7 yr old male tabby losing muscle/weight

Home Community Cat Food & Feeding 7 yr old male tabby losing muscle/weight

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    My 7 year old male tabby is losing muscle mass. We did testing to rule out diabetes, thyroid issues and liver disease. All of these tests came back perfect. I decided not to go any further with testing as it’s assumed that he probably has cancer. I wasnt to let him live out his life comfortably.
    He is active, purring, affectionate, coat is shiny, playing with his sister…just losing weight and muscle.
    I am trying my best to get him to eat and have been giving him table scraps – beef, chicken, ham, etc. He used to love tuna from the can and is not eating that anymore. He seems to have an intense dislike for canned cat food.
    Ideas on something that I could give him to help keep up his strength and get the protein and other essentials to keep him as healthy as possible – for however long I can keep this going?



    Just to further clarify what I have already tried…someone recommended baby food. He hated all other meats and ate beef for a couple days and now won’t touch it.
    Also tried the powder kitten milk formula to create a milk that he might like, since he occasionally likes regular milk and he wouldn’t touch it.
    He loves his treats right now and is still eating his dry food and gets excited for table scraps (we only give him meat).



    Have you tried cat milk?
    Cats love milk but struggle to digest it so you can purchase cat milk, which is easily digested, at some pet stores or online.
    This is often a good source of nutrition for animals with health issues.
    Perhaps your cat has a hankering for milk but can’t digest it so this is worth a shot.
    Different cats like different things, of course, but try raw egg yolk, scrambled eggs, tomato sauce (we had a cat who loved tomato sauce so much she’d lick until her face was red) or fresh flounder (or another fish you think the cat would prefer).
    The same cat with the tomato sauce fetish also loved deli meats so that’s an idea, but I’d stay away from salami.
    Good luck, hope you can find something to feed your feline pal.

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