Chicken Questions

Home Community Birds Chicken Questions

This topic contains 4 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  mirical97266 19 years, 1 month ago.

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    ok, so i have a chicken, she has 9 fertile eggs, she has been sitting on them for about 2 weeks, then today, out of now where, she freaks out and runs away from the nest like something is over there(her nest is behind my barn), so i go and look, and everything is fine, there are no other chickens, no snakes, no animals, so is this normal behavior? and also, we put another chicken in a pen with a rooster so we can have more babies, is it ok to leave the rooster in with the babies?some people sed yes, others sed no. so im a little confused. PLZ HELP!!!thanx in advance!!!



    do NOT put the rooster with the babies, their is a fine chance he will kill them, or not let the mother care for them.



    do NOT put the rooster with the babies, their is a fine chance he will kill them, or not let the mother care for them.


    Keep the babies on their own until they are about the same size as a normal chicken and if you want to put them in with the chicken and rooster then not befor or the rooster might kill them all


    Keep the babies on their own until they are about the same size as a normal chicken and if you want to put them in with the chicken and rooster then not befor or the rooster might kill them all

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