wat should i do for toys?!?!?!

Home Community Small Pets wat should i do for toys?!?!?!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Guinea_Pig664 19 years, 4 months ago.

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    hey everyone!!!i just wanted to kno if G.P’s like toys to play with, like my science teacher has a mirror hangingfrom the top of the cage. do G.P’s like that stuff?!?!?! ???


    To an extent for the toys. The mirror is probably to enrage the cavy with its own image. Guinea pigs don’t really need toys. But if you REALLY want to get a toy for a guinea pig, wooden chew toys work, like chew bars and such.



    I have 7 GP, 4 females and 3 males (I DO NOT BREED). I give them toys to keep them entertained. In the wild all animals have to think about the next meal and any danger not to mention breeing and higherarchies if living in a group. In captivity they do not need to think about how to get the next meal. Now i hear you cry the live on and eat grass. In captivity cavies eat a much higher nutriant diet and so dont have to eat as much so they either eat more, breed more, or fight more. I give mine toys so they have to work for their food. I give them dry food in toys they have to knock or rool and i scatter it on the floor so they have to search for it. I mix fresh veg and fruit treat in with hay in a large tray so they have to search to eat that and i put cucumber on metal hangers so they have to reach up to get it. On top of that they have tubes to run through and toilet roll tubes stuffed with hay to chew. I also train them to keep the entertaind. The know their names, and the 3 boys stand up on their hind legs on command and 1 will put both frount legs on your hand if you say paw. (they need to smell food to do the tricks though lol)



    chew sticks or toys are definately a good idea. guinea pigs are rodents, so their teeth are constantly growing. the cambrium layer of trees is the part that carries nutrients from the roots to the foliage. this part is especially good for small animals, such as piggies, and they enjoy to chew it. i cut some branches off my fruit tree (apple) and let them dry for 3 days. my pigs like to chew on them and they already ate all the bark off!

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