Sweet Tess passed away unexpectedly and sudden..

Home Community Pet Loss Support Sweet Tess passed away unexpectedly and sudden..

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    Sweet Tess a Boston Terrior/jack russell mix was the sweetest and loving little pet that anyone could ask for and it has only been since Friday December 10th 2010 that she just dropped dead and there wasn’t any warning that would make me think she was not well. Sweet Tess was constantly at my side and would go get under my covers right where my feet laid so my spot would be warm when I came to bed she would move over and cuddle next to me, when I awoke in the moring she was lying on my pillow against my back with her head and paws out like any person would. I am just overtaken with the loss and don’t know how I can carry on without my baby. She was with me during so mny times when I felt she was the only love I had and knew when I needed her to just lay beside me and lick my face, only wanted to be loved and she was definety loved by all. Can anyone give me any advice on how to get closure and deal with the grief, I need something. I am having a really tough time with not being able to see and feel the warm she so gladly gave me.

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    I know how you feel. My little Pomeranian died unexpectly 10/24/10. She was just 18 months old. Don’t have any idea what happened to her. I got another puppy right away. Not the same breed. He keeps my mind off of her. It was the best thing for me. If you would like to email me, my email is bettyboopbb@verizon.net.
    Hope you’re feeling better.



    My first and most beloved cat, Dixie, passed away two years ago yesterday. She died of kidney disease, we found out, but after two days of acting sick it was still unexpected for me. I miss her more than anything in the world even today, when I look at her urn. It took me two months to feel stable enough to get through school and get back on my feet.
    Anyway, what helps me is that I know she is always with me, in my heart. And if I ever feel alone, sometimes I hold on to her urn or take it with me. I also pray to God that she is happy and doing well and to tell her that I miss and love her so much, another thing that keeps me going. I often see her in my dreams, albeit she isn’t some tiny little runt cat anymore, haha, she always seems bigger and fatter than she was on Earth.
    I didn’t want to rush getting a new cat, but the opportunity arose two weeks after her death to get a kitten. I did pray after Dixie died that I could have a strong bond and another loving relationship with a cat like I had, and then Lucy came along. She helps comfort my sadness and lets me know that happiness is still possible after a serious loss. Even if it just isn’t the same.

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