I put down my cat too soon

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    My 14yr old cat was always an indoor cat until this summer. we started to let him out and he loved it. He was a hunter right away, bringing mice and birds to the back step. Even eating and throwing up mice in our house, very gross.
    We also got a new kitten who he didnt love so much.Afther the new arrival he never wanted to come in anymore and cried alot, lost weight fast and always growled and hissed. We started to notice he had ticks on him and as we removed them there would only be more soon enough. We switched from revolution to frontline and it didnt work. He just seemed so unhappy unless he had only me to himself and the kitten was in another area of the house.
    When I took him to the vet they mentioned he didnt seem well and wanted to do lots of tests and even mentioned maybe he could take medication depending on what was wrong. Knowing how shy and skiddish this cat was and how it was hard enough to get him inside as it was I knew medication wasnt an option for this cat. I didnt want to see it get bad and him suffer and thought our kitten could also be at risk now from ticks and disease so I made the choice to put him to sleep. I held him during it and it was so incredibly hard and now I feel it was too soon. How do I know if he was really suffering and unhealthy? maybe I could of kept him longer even without medicines or finding out what was wrong.
    Instead I was out of sorts and let him go. I cant’ stop crying and feeling that I made the wrong choice and I just want him back in my arms. I’m so sad I dont know how to forgive myself for this.
    Any advice would be helpful, I’m thinking of seeing a therapist if I dont feel better soon. Its been a few days now. How do you know when its the right time and how do I stop feeling like I rushed my choice? why did the vet allow it and not try to get me to test him first?



    Don’t be so hard on yourself… but I know how you feel, a similar thing happened to me, and I felt really awful and couldn’t forgive myself for a long time. I was unexperienced and didn’t see the clinical signs until it was too late..But we learn from it 🙂 I saved many cats after that from diseases. We become much more aware.
    At 14 years old, your cat was quite old. Sudden loss of weight is generally not a good sign. He was probably very ill and had pain. You did the right thing. Since he had ticks on him, ticks carry the Lyme disease. Old cats often get diabetes and kidney failure. Diabetes at this age is very hard to get stable. And with kidney failure, there’s nothing much you can do about it. I have a cat shelter, I have 28 cats right now, believe me, I’ve seen every disease there is.
    Forgive yourself. Your cat is in a much better place now 🙂 I’m sure you did care for that cat all of those years and he was lucky to have you in his life.
    Take care



    sorrry to hear that but yuo cant blame yourself for that maybe becasue your cat is quiet old is good years have passed and the vet might think its unfair to keep your cat in pain i feel very sorry for you good luck



    I am soo, soo sorry. I am going through the same thing. I put my sweet Beaux to sleep on Saturday and I am now having guilty feelings about it. I stayed home from work today and I am still in bed in my pajamas because it hurts to much to walk around the house and not see him. Beaux was being treated by in internal medicine specialist but he was not in when I brought him on Saturday. I did not consult with him before and now I keep saying maybe I should have. I do feel comforted in the fact that he called me later in the day when he came in to offer his condolences. I asked if he thought I made the correct decision and he said that the owner knows more than anyone when it is time and if I felt it was time than it was time. I pray that you start to feel better. Take it one day at a time because thinking to far ahead just makes it hurt more.

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