Pain, Agony, and Guilt

Home Community Pet Loss Support Pain, Agony, and Guilt

This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Margi 13 years, 8 months ago.

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    My beloved English Bulldog Nigel suddenly died of congestive heart failure two days ago. He was old for a bulldog, but never had any health problems up until this point. My vet said he did not suffer, but I still feel incredibly guilty for not noticing anything sooner. He was my very best buddy but there were times when I would get so mad at him when he’d bark for attention and I would be doing something. I feel like such a horrible person and am wracked with guilt and sadness. When I’m not sobbing my eyes out, I’m doing my best to comfort my other English bulldog Winston as he is confused and stressed as to why his brother is gone. Anyone else had the same kind of experience? I feel just terrible and I don’t know what to do. Can anyone help me?



    Oh Liana, my condolences, my heart goes out to you, I had a german shepherd for 11 years and she suddenly died of cancer of the lymph nodes and my kids and I cried our hearts out. She died in my 15 year old daughters arms. Don’t be so hard on yourself, by the way you talked about your dog, you surely loved him and he knew that. There was no way you could have known of the congestive heart failure. Just like our kids, we have days when we are upset with them, its only normal. Your dog had a good life with you I am sure. Its nice to still have his brother, you still have a dog to love. Good Luck to you.

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