Pet Reincarnation

Home Community Pet Loss Support Pet Reincarnation

This topic contains 0 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Meg 13 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #493688


    I pray all pet loss owner’s hearts are healing.
    I wanted to share the following in hopes that this will help:
    Is your heart struggling with being optimistic after the loss of your pet? Have you questioned if pet reincarnation is real?
    If so, please continue to read. These amazing love filled stories of the enduring love connection between you and your pet and the enriching tools that teach and enable you to communicate with your beloved animal companion will expand your skills beyond your current awareness and create a greater understanding of energy, God?s Universe and the amazing spiritual connection you share with your pets.
    BELIEVE in what your heart knows, Hold on to your faith, because Love IS Never Ending!
    The Dog with a ?B? on His Bottom!!! is Brent?s dog, Friend ( a certified Pet therapy dog with great hugs!!!) whose story proves pet loss prayers are answered. us
    We also provide these books to help raise money for pet and animal causes; so please won?t you pass our name along to anyone you know we could help?

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