my beloved Samuel

Home Community Pet Loss Support my beloved Samuel

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  jen 13 years, 9 months ago.

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    On June 17, 2010, my beloved American Pitbull Sam, passed away. It was 3:30 in the afternoon, I was at his side, and he looked up at me, and sounded a lonely little howl. That was when I lost my best friend.
    It has been 5 days, I hurt, am angry, lonesome for his companionship.
    What do I do..



    It always hurts so much more than we imagine it could when we lose a pet. I’m so sorry for your loss…
    The best thing to do is focus on all the good memories and talk about him a lot with your friends. Stories that will make you smile. And maybe do his memory a great honor and give a wonderful home to a new dog who might really need one. <3



    i am sorry for your loss is one of the hardest things to deal with,i had a chihuahua for 18 yrs,from the time she was weaned.when she died i cried for weeks,couldnt get out of bed,she died at home,waited for me to come home from work one day and she crawled beside me and took her last breath,it was two years ago and i am still grieving.what helped me is i started to rescue dog will ever replace yours or mine,but there are endless dogs that need our love and support,i have since rescued two dogs and it has been very theraputic,it helps me realize i can make it through this and i have,dogs need us,so please help a dog and help yourself,i promise it will help you heal.

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