please truly feel like i will never be the same

Home Community Pet Loss Support please truly feel like i will never be the same

This topic contains 1 reply, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Amy 14 years ago.

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    Hello my story is long yet rainbear my chowchow my god we were inseparable we
    had a bond so strong she was my life. my son who is my love of my life is just 18 months i know he is sensing my heartache my longing ,truly rainbear was exceptional and the sparkle in my eyes are gone, my spirit the pain is overwhelming. she wasnt ready she went blind at ten and did amazing then a year ago went deaf yet she still was happy strong brave heart and i put her down at 19 due to a living sitution it was her or my son to keep a roof over his head. if she could hear still i would and could not do it yet she went blind and deaf and 19 what i truly need help with is she wasnt ready i spent 6 hrs with her that day after she was gone. this took my heart she was my heart please help my son needs his mommy happy im a single mom] I cant fix this i just want her back she was and is lituarlly my heart and soul.



    I am so sorry for your loss. I know how intense, and overwhelming it is to lose a special friend like that. I didn’t think I could take it, when my beloved cockatiel died. He had chronic bowel trouble, which they could not pinpoint a cause for. I still get teary when I think of my Bitey boy, but I am grateful that I had the time with him that I had, and most of all that he died in my arms,and I believe he knew that he was deeply loved. I find comfort in the belief that we are spiritual beings, on a physical journey, and that we will one day, be reunited with our loved ones, be they 2 legged, 4 legged, feathered or finned. I hope that you too can rejoice in memory of the wonderful relationship you shared with your little dog, and that you may find it again.

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