I miss my Cleo and Contessa…my cats are deceased

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    I had a long haired grey cat named Cleo…I found her as a tiny stray kitten and got her cleaned up and started to take care of her, we bonded instantly, and I remember our first night together, she slept peacefully in my arms, and her furr smelled so god and she was so nice and warm, I adopted her in 2004 and she lived the college kid life with me as my roommate feline companion. But she always craved the outdoor life, so I took her back to my parents house to live and roam free, she wasn’t happy in my apartment, so I thought the great wide open spaces of my parent’s country home would do the trick…so in June 2006, is was almost 2 years of age, I was making the hour drive to my parent’s when during that time, Cleo was hit by a car and died instantly. My mom found her lifeless body on the side of the road in front of their house, I was about 30 minutes away from home, so my dad buried her…I drove up the driveway so excited to see my cleo after a week absence, and i remember walking to the back door, calling her name in the way I have always done, I enter in the house and my mom told me to sit down, she has some bad news…she said cleo was killed this morning by a car…and I just sobbed like a little girl, heck she’s been dead for almost 4 years and I’m still crying even right now!
    So going back to the town I lived in, I just layed in bed for a couple of weeks and cried into my pillow, I held a my favorite picture of her next to my heart for about a month when i slept at night…so 6 weeks later my roommate at the time told me that there was a farm giving away free kittens, so we drove 10 miles to a small town, and I saw this cute little dark grey and white kitty, so I picked her up and I decided to take her home, she was about 3 months old…I named her contessa. Contessa was such a character, she was very playful and affectionate. I thought she would help fill the hole in my heart, until one fateful day in August 2006, I went to my morning classes on a monday morning, at that point I lived alone with no roommates, kissed contessa on her little head, and 6 hours later I returned home to a horrific sight. I saw my contessa laying motionless under my dining room table and i thought at first she was sleeping, but then i took a closer look and saw her toy fishing pole string wrapped tightly around her frail little neck! she was dead. stiff, cold, just dead. I weeped out and sobbed and screamed and I said how could this ever happen to me!? 2 cat deaths in almost 3 months???? I was so angry with myself, she was all alone when she died, I was famous for skipping classes, why on earth did I have to go to class this time? I could of saved her if I skipped my classes! so I call my mom and dad, told them what happened, so my dad left to pick me up and take me and tessa’s body home so he could bury her next to cleo. I called my grandma and cried into the phone for 45 minutes, I was sitting next to her body, and i knew I had to pick her dead body up and place it into a box, she gave me the words of courage over the phone to do it…picking her up like that, as stiff as she was, nothing gave way, not even her tail, it was like picking up a furry brick. That traumatized me in ways I can’t even describe. So I layed next to her in her box, and I held onto her little paw and stroked it, noticing her pawpads were ice cold.
    Ever since that summer of both my sweet kitties dying due to freak accidents, there has not been a day that went by I still think about it and still cry and grieve.
    Since the deaths of cleo and contessa, I now have 2 sisters from the same litter and they are sweet terrific girl kittens! Sabrina and Colette…thats their names, they do help fill those deep holes in my heart, I have had them almost 4 years now, kept them alive for this long, hope I can keep them alive for at least another 4 years or more, I have bad luck and anything I love or touch ends up dying, all of my pets seem to die off quicker than ever, even the people in my life also, If my loved ones die, all I can have are the sweet animals god gives us on earth, but they die too according to me. Just lost my old dog too, he lived at my parents for almost 10 years, he was my sweet white Labrador retriever named max, well he was the family dog, but we got him on my 18th birthday…
    I protect my cats (colette and sabrina) with my life and just pray God doesn’t take them from me too…I have lost too many pets and loved ones to last me 3 lifetimes, I am just fed up.



    It seems like the only thing you can count on in life is that it isn’t fair. It seems like you are also struggling with some guilt over the deaths of your kitties, and I understand that as well. One of my cats caught FIP and died, and I’m almost certain it was because I was feeding these stray kitties that kept coming around and were sick. I wasn’t current on her vaccinations either, though I was told that a vaccination wouldn’t have saved her from FIP. It hurts so much, and nothing anyone could say will make it okay. Just know that someone out there understands, and take good care of your pointy eared little friends <3



    thank you so much for your kind words, you are right, i do feel guilt over their deaths, but right now, after going on 5 years, my pain as subsided, not gone, but "dormant" i have 2 sweet girl lady kitties that help me and i know they love me so deeply and unconditionally, "Sabrina" and "Colette" are my salvation. they filled that hole in my heart, and i find myself laughing, snuggling, playing, giggling with these precious felines to me….but it pains me to think that someday, they will pass too, and a new hole will form onto my soul…it’s not fair for humans to fall in love with their animal companions, and become heart broken once they die….



    Know how ya feel…I lost my guinea pig, Luna and my parakeet Katie in the same week. Katie was 8 yars old which is kinda old for a parakeet. She die of old age. It was tough becasue I had her since I was inkindergarten! I loved hr so much. Luna got very sick out of nowhere so i took hr to the vet. She died in the vets office. They said she had a siesure! I was super depressed. The things that kep my strog are my other pets: my cat,Pepper, my new parakeet, Buddy, Luna’s sister Besa, and my two tortoises. I still sob every once in a while tho. Its tough and i feel for u.

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