sudden weight loss in my 10 yr old cat

Home Community Cats Health sudden weight loss in my 10 yr old cat

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Karen 20 years, 4 months ago.

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    Sudden weight loss in a cat can be caused by many things including cancer. The cat should be seen by a vet as soon as the vet can get him in. Sudden weight loss is something on my MUST GET CHECKED IMMEDIATELY list of animal issues. Any significant weight change is cause for concern, but sudden ones are a big worry of mine and really need to be checked fast. Best of luck and make sure the vet give a full exam and include xrays to rule out tumor.


    My cat has been over weight for most of his life, I started controling how much food he consumes during the day, and put him on food for older cats, and weight mangment. it seemed to be going well but all of a sudden i notced he is very thin, and not moving around too much but will get up and walk around, and eat a little bit. I changed his food back to what he was used too, he seemed to perk up up when i gave it too him, but still seems to be not energentic, as he usually is when i get home or in the morning when i get up, so I’m going to bring him to the vets but just curious if anyone else has had this problem.



    :)Definately , definately definately take your kitty to the vet. I have a fourteen year old cat that was 16 pounds, and I put her on a diet. She lost three pounds, and held, then it seemed like in just a few months she dropped down to nine pounds. Her blood work came back that she had an overactive thyroid. Because we caught it early enough we are able to contol hers with pills, and we did not have to go with the surgery or radiation option. She did not have any other bad effects, but if you do not catch it and treat it, it can cause several problems for your kittry. From what I researched on the internet, and learned from my vet, it is common for older cats, especially overweight ones, to get diabetes or thyroid problems. They symptoms for the two are very similar (rapid weigh loss, lethargic drinking lots of water, etc) . Definately get your kitty to the vet. Left untreated, they both can cause serious issues for you kitty. And as much as we don’t like to think so, ten years old is a "elderly" kitty.

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