dogs that stare at strangers

Home Community Dog Behavior dogs that stare at strangers

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Frances 14 years, 9 months ago.

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    I don’t have a dog anymore, but whenever there are any dogs on the street or anywhere really, they all seem to stop in their tracks and stare right into my face! I’m a hostess, and even at work when I’m standing outside, a person who is walking their dog will pass and the dog will stop and just stare. The owner tries to get their attention, but its almost a trance like state. This doesn’t happen all the time. If the dog happens to notice me it happens, but not just because I’m near by, which leads me to believe its not because of my scent. Does anyone know why this happens??



    MY DOG SHAYLA when ever someone walk on the other side of rthe fence she barks



    I know this sounds utterly nuts, but it’s quite possible that you’re one of those people that dogs just notice – you may be a Dog Magnet.
    You may have that neon sign with an arrow pointing at you – & note that only animals can see this sign – that reads "DOG PERSON! WONDERFUL PERSON!" So naturally, the dog stops to read the sign.
    Either that, or that extra head on your shoulders is the reason.
    (…Joke…Sorry, I have a weird mind…I’ve seen too many sci-fi movies…I always say stuff like this…)

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