Dog: Limping

Home Community Dogs Health Dog: Limping

This topic contains 2 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by  Donna 14 years, 9 months ago.

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    My dog is 4 years old and started limping on both front paws 2 days ago. She normally loves to run and play but for the past 2 days she’s just been lying around. She cries and winces in pain when she lies down or does basically anything. Could you possibly tell me what could be wrong with her and ways to help her feel better? Thanks.



    Could be a neck problem. You have to go to the vet for an exam and possible xrays. Keep your dog from running and jumping. Crate him/her if needed and leash walk only to go to the potty. Get to the vet asap.



    This article might help you out. It has many different reasons why animals limp. GL

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